Brimming with life - Young World Club

Brimming with life

  • POSTED ON: 5 Jun, 2020
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 644 Views
  • POSTED BY: Bhavya Venkatesh
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

June 5 is World Environment Day – an opportunity to reflect on what we can do for Planet Earth. This year the theme is Time for Nature is centered around biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to all the variety of life that can be found on Earth – from plants and animals to fungi and bacteria – and the ecosystems that house and support them.

In an effort to protect biologically rich and deeply threatened places, 36 regions have been identified as biodiversity hotpots – regions which together support more than half of the world’s plant species and nearly 43% of bird, mammal, reptile and amphibian species as endemics. Endemic species are those that are found nowhere else on Earth.

This quiz is based on some biodiversity hotspots around the world. Can you answer these questions?