Tryst with power - Young World Club

Tryst with power

  • POSTED ON: 28 Jul, 2022
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 170 Views
  • POSTED BY: Madhumitha Srinivasan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

Who ruled who? Which country originally belonged to another? Our relatively recent history is full of conquests, colonisations and countries’ fights for independence.

Our country – as we know – was a British colony. A colony is a territory/ country under the rule of a foreign country and occupied by settlers from that country. Similarly, many countries around the world colonised territories – big and small – hoping to establish dominance and gain control of precious natural resources and wealth.

Countries like Britain, Denmark, Portugal and Spain were some of the biggest colonisers. Britain was especially powerful with control over 23% of the world’s population at the height of its expansion in 1913. By 1914, it controlled over 24% of Earth’s land area!

Though it is not common anymore for countries to openly take over control of other countries, the impact of these former colonisers can be seen in their colonies’ economy, culture, politics and infrastructure.

Memory Game

Below are 6 colonisers and one of their many colonies. Can you match them?