People power - Young World Club

People power

  • POSTED ON: 3 Mar, 2023
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 191 Views
  • POSTED BY: R. Krithika
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

Have you heard of the phrase “Of the people, for the people, by the people”? This was part of the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln after the American Civil War. These words are the cornerstone of any democratic government. Democracy is derived from two Greek words: demos meaning people and kratos meaning rule. So it translates to “rule by the people. The word was coined around the fifth century BCE to describe the political system in city-states such as Athens.

The word democracy literally means “rule by the people.” It is derived from a Greek word coined from the words demos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”) in the middle of the 5th century bc as a name for the political system that existed at the time in some of the cities of Greece, notably Athens. In a democratic country, the people vote for the person who will govern them.
There are two kinds of democracy: direct in whcih the laws and decisions are made by all the people coming together and voting for these. In a representative democracy, the people elect others to represent or speak for them. These elected people formualate the laws and make decisions for the larger populace. Many countries in the world today are democracies. They include India, the U.S., the U.K., France, Germany, Canada, Japan and many more.

Now that you have learnt something about Democracy, why not try this activity? All you have to do is to make as many words as possible from the word ‘DEMOCRACY’. The central letter must be included in each word. Enter the letters by clicking on them or by typing them in. You can use each of the given letters only once. There are 25 words. How many can you find?