At home in sand and water - Young World Club

At home in sand and water

  • POSTED ON: 2 Oct, 2023
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1039 Views
  • POSTED BY: Rohini Ramakrishnan | Article by R. Krithika
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

When you think of a National Park or Sanctuary, our mind immediately goes to dense forests and big animals. But India is also home to national parks that are found in other habitats. We feature four such national parks. While you read about them, solve the puzzle to see which animal from the sanctuary is being featured here.

Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park, Tamil Nadu

Twenty-one islands, coral reefs, seagrass and mangroves form a rich coastal ecosystem in the Gulf of Mannar. Established as a protected area in 1986, this National Park is home to 4,223 species of flora and fauna. The dugong is the star attraction here and the seagrass beds in the park are feeding grounds for the endangered marine mammal. Apart from this, various species of dolphins and whales are also found here. The gulf also contains around 510 species of fin fish species, thereby being the most highly diverse fish habitat in India. Ornamental fish species such as butterfly fish, parrotfish and clownfish are also found in large numbers. Other marine animals that live here include shrimp, lobster, molluscs, sponge and sea cucumbers. Over 100 species of coral fauna are also found here.

Kutch Desert Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujarat

Situated in the Great Rann of Kutch, it is the largest wildlife sanctuary in India. Every year, when the rainwater dries up, the area becomes a saline desert. This sanctuary is home to a variety of fauna such as spiny tailed lizards, the Chinkara, hyenas, wild ass, Indian porcupine, desert fox among others. The Kutch Desert Wildlife Sanctuary is best known the “flamingo city” or the mudflats where thousands of Greater Flamingos breed. Apart from the Greater and Lesser Flamingos, other birds that can be spotted here include pelicans, black-necked storks, Brahminy ducks, pintails, spotbills, sandpipers, terns, plovers and more. Near the flamingo city is the Indus Valley Civilisation site of Dholavira. The rocks in the area also contain fossils of animals and plants dating back to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.

Desert National Park, Rajasthan

Situated near the Thar Desert, around 44% of this national park comprises sand dunes. Despite this, it is a paradise for many species of birds such as eagles, buzzards, falcons, bee-eaters, partridges, sandgrouse and shrikes. The critically endangered Great Indian Bustard is a huge attraction. Animals such as foxes, desert cats, wolves, Chinkara, monitor lizard, and vipers and kraits are also found here.

Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, Andaman Islands

Situated near Wandoor, the park comprises 17 islands, which are grouped into the Labyrinth Islands and the Twin Islands. The latter is an important breeding ground for turtles. The park has a variety of coral reefs, colourful fish, molluscs, starfish, turtles and saltwater crocodiles. Birds such as the White-bellied Sea Eagle, Herons, Terns, Waders, Andaman Teal and Swifts can be spotted here.