Are you ready to be the ultimate summer explorer?
- POSTED ON: 22 Apr, 2017
- TOTAL VIEWS: 3656 Views
- POSTED BY: Young World Club
- ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points
This summer, Young World Club presents an exciting and interactive online experience for you - the Summer Explorer Challenge!
The Challenge will witness children from all over the country explore interesting activities, contests and challenging quizzes. Collect Explorer Points, stay on top of the leaderboard and win exciting prizes!
You can participate in the four-week challenge from anywhere, even while you are on a vacation. Each week revolves around a theme, and completing the activities in each level will unlock the next week’s activities.
Week One, titled ‘Soar the High Skies’, will have you looking skyward, focussing on everything to do with the sky – clouds, planes, birds, weather, and more. Week Two – ‘Dive into the Deep’ – will cover topics related to the underwater world such ships, oceans and seas, waterfalls and marine life. In Week Three – ‘Backpack across the Earth’ – you will explore learning widgets on countries, landmarks, animals, plants, and more. The final week – ‘Connect across Cultures' – will cover topics related to people, culture and customs around the world.
Move through the levels, becoming ‘Avid Aviators’, ‘Daring Divers’, ‘Roving Rangers’ and finally ‘Culture Cubs’. Picking up Explorer Points for engaging with the interactive widgets, taking up quizzes and sending in entries to contests, compete with each other to stay on top of the leaderboard and ultimately win exciting prizes.
Participation is open to all Young World Club subscribers. The month-long challenge begins on May 2, 2017. Keep an eye out!