A Tablet-Based Olympiad - Young World Club

A Tablet-Based Olympiad

  • POSTED ON: 30 Jun, 2017
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 3499 Views
  • POSTED BY: Young World Club
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

The Hindu STEP English Olympiad is a comprehensive English Olympiad for students, which tests reading, listening, grammar and vocabulary skills. It is a joint collaboration of The Hindu STEP and Cambridge English Language Assessment. It is a tablet-based Olympiad.

Who is it for?

It is an English Olympiad for students in classes 3 - 8.

How does it work?

It is a tablet-based Olympiad. You can register through your school or through www.stepolympiad.com. If you register through the website, you will be contacted with a list of centers near you and you can take the test there. You will be provided with the tablets and all you need to do is turn up!

What will I get?

This test will help students build a strong foundation for a successful career – today, English language skills are highly valued in all fields.

Students and schools will get a chance to benchmark themselves against others in the country.

Students will also be able to identify their weaknesses and prepare for performing on a global platform.

How much do I pay?

The packages available for registration are:

INR 300 - Students will receive one practice booklet and one online test along with registration

INR 500 - Students will receive one practice booklet and five online tests along with registration

How do I enroll?

Visit www.stepolympiad.com