What's That Building? - Young World Club

What’s That Building?

  • POSTED ON: 8 Dec, 2017
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1128 Views
  • POSTED BY: iMoneyPlant
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

Money keeps the economy of the world alive. Not only does it let you buy things, but it also helps the economy of a country grow. The economy is made up of buyers and sellers. Most of us are both buyers and sellers. We buy what we want and need for our lives; adults who work sell their time and expertise to their employers. There are times when most people have more money than they need to survive. When that happens, the economy is said to be doing well. There are times when most people have too little money to buy what they need. When that happens, the economy is believed to be doing badly.

Take a look at these important buildings in and around India that have to do with finance. Can you identify them?