A meeting with a mentor - Young World Club

A meeting with a mentor

  • POSTED ON: 5 Sep, 2023
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 147 Views
  • POSTED BY: Jagadeesh Kanna | Article by R. Krithika
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

After seeing Jambhavan and hearing about hibernation, Hanuman walks with Nala towards Jambhavan’s palace.
Hanuman: Everything I heard about Jambhavan from my father seems very mysterious.
Nala: Most things look mysterious when you are in the audience. Once you get close, they are easy to understand.
Hanuman: Yes, I used to be amazed about concepts such as creation of the universe, evolution of organisms and invention of machines. But they seem to be simple ones. I remember you were once talking about Einstein and his universal theory (string theory).
Nala: His theory of general relativity is also like that.
Hanuman: Like a fabric with a heavy mass in the middle. It creates dips and the planets move around that, right?
Nala: Exactly. You know Jambhavan’s immortality also has something to do with this.
Hanuman: Tell me, if Jambhavan is immortal, why does he look so old?
Nala: We have to ask him that. But he knows the technique of freezing time by travelling at the speed of light.
Hanuman: You have to teach me that when you are free. Now let’s meet Jambhavan.
When they reach the palace, they find seven interconnected castles, with water flowing around each one. Hanuman is surprised to see this.
Hanuman: This reminds me of something I saw in the palace of Aruna, Sampathi and Jatayu.
Nala: That was about the seven wavelengths of light, as Aruna works with Surya. This is a representation of Earth’s seven liveable land masses (Asia, North America, South America, Australia, Africa, Europe and the island groups in Asia) and the waters surrounding them.

Hanuman: What about Antarctica?
Nala: Only liveable land masses are represented, Hanuman.
When Nala and Hanuman enter the palace, the guards recognise Hanuman and welcome him. They are taken to a hall filled with the various kinds of food that Hanuman loves. Soon, they hear footsteps, that sets the palace vibrating. A huge half-bear half-human enters the hall.
Jambhavan: Welcome to Jambudvipa, Vayuputra.
Hanuman: I am blessed to see you. I have never seen such a wonderful palace.
Jambavan: It took several hundred years to build, Hanuman. Of course, I have so much time to research. You must talk to Nala’s father who helped me build this.
Nala: Hanuman has many questions to ask of you.
Jambavan (laughs): Of course, please ask.

Illustration: Sahil Upalekar

Hanuman: What should I call you?
Jambavan: Your father may have told you that I am your mentor or teacher. But, to be frank, I am your friend, a slightly old one.
Hanuman: Okay. May I call you Jambu?
Jambavan: Of course.
Hanuman: My father said you are a Chiranjeevi but why do you look so old.
Jambavan: As a chiranjeevi, we have to learn ways to make our physical body travel at the speed of light and to freeze time. Once I was with Vishnu’s Vamana avatar when he took over the three worlds. So, I started to orbit the Earth at the speed of light. Whenever I lost speed, I would touch down to the highest spot on Mount Meru and push back to gain speed, using Newton’s Third Law. But Mahameru, who rules Meru’s peak, felt insulted and asked me to slow down. I was young and over-confident. I also felt superior because Vamana was with me. So, I replied nonchalantly, “We defeated Bali. So, I am celebrating.”
Hanuman: That must have got you into trouble
Jambhavan: Yes. It did. Mahameru cursed me, “Just because you are a chiranjeevi and can travel at the speed of light, you are arrogant and think you can disrespect others. I curse you: you will be old forever. You may be very fast in your mind, but physically you can’t be fast.” So, I became old and slow. But I can communicate at the speed of light.
Hanuman looks thoughtful.
Jambavan (smiles): Don’t feel bad, Vaauputra. You have more doubts, don’t you? Ask away.
Hanuman: Well, yes. Who named you Jambhavan?
Jamabavan: Come, eat. And we will talk more…
The writer is the founder and CEO of Vaayusastra Aerospace, an IIT-Madras incubated ed-tech startup that offers Air Science workshops for children between five and 14 years.

Now that you have read the story, here is an activity for you. Here is a list of words drawn from this episode of Sky High. Can you fill the grid with the words correctly?