A midnight stroll - Young World Club

A midnight stroll

  • POSTED ON: 3 Dec, 2021
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1511 Views
  • POSTED BY: Author: Nimi Kurian | Article: Archana Subramanian
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

The tourist season in the little hill town had its pros and cons. For Moorthy and his ilk, it meant more business, as the restaurant he worked in was always full. But, on the downside, it also meant a lot of work. This Friday did not seem any different. Except that more people were coming in and the small lobby was filled with people waiting to be seated. Lunch was over only by 4.00 p.m. and then preparations began for dinner. The people, tired and irascible, came in after a long hard day of sightseeing and walking. The climate in the Nilgiris was unpredictable and so most of the visitors were either wet or cold.

Heading home

When the last customer had left, Moorthy and the other waiters heaved a sigh of relief. It was close to midnight when they finished up and cleaned the restaurant, set the tables for the next day, and wound up their work. They came out, exchanged funny anecdotes about the day and got on their motorcycles eager to get into their warm beds.

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