All things art - Young World Club

All things art

  • POSTED ON: 19 Oct, 2022
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 159 Views
  • POSTED BY: Priyadershini Sharma | Article: Madhumitha Srinivasan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

A large boat filled with essentials such as utensils, bedding, furniture and more filled the space at the Aspinwall Building, a former plantation company, in Kochi. This installation, by renowned artist Subodh Gupta, was titled “What does the vessel contain that is not in the river?” and told the sad and painful tale of human migration worldwide. This installation in the first Kochi Muziris Biennale (KMB) is what is called contemporary visual art.

Swipe through these slides to learn more about the KMB: