Around the globe - Young World Club

Around the globe

  • POSTED ON: 9 Sep, 2023
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 686 Views
  • POSTED BY: Rohini Ramakrishnan | Article by Madhuvanti S. Krishnan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

The first recorded trip around the globe began on September 20, 1519, when five ships with 270 men on board sailed out of Sanlucar de Barrameda, a port in Spain. Led by Ferdinand Magellan, their goal was to reach the Moluccas, an archipelago in Indonesia, which was known for its spices such as cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, by sailing westwards from Spain.

Born into a wealthy Portuguese family, Magellan was part of the fleet that accompanied Francisco de Almeida, the first viceroy of Portugal’s Indian territories. He was in India for eight years and travelled across the western coast from Goa to Kerala. During this time, European ships sailed eastwards towards Africa and around the Cape of Good Hope to reach India and Asia. Magellan wanted to explore the possibility of a westward route around South America. But the Portuguese royalty did not support his views. After repeated requests failed, Magellan turned to Spain where King Charles I agreed to fund the voyage.

From west to east

Sailing out of Spain, Magellan’s fleet crossed the Atlantic Ocean and rounded the tip of South America to move into the Pacific Ocean. The sea route between the mainland of South America and the island of Tierra del Fuego still bears his name: the Straits of Magellan. Continuing across the Pacific Ocean, the expedition reached The Philippines. Unfortunately, on the island of Mactan, Magellan was killed in a fight with the local people. Led by other officers, the remaining sailors decided to continue with the voyage. They travelled across the Indian Ocean, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, sailed along the coast of Africa on the Atlantic Ocean and finally reached Spain on September 8, 1522. Of the 270 men who set sail three years earlier, only 18 men came back alive.

The impact of this voyage was immense: it confirmed that the Earth was round in shape and led to better understanding of global time. It also led to the development of new models of trade and commerce, which finally led to what we today call globalisation.

Fun facts

When Magellan crossed the straits that bear his name, he sailed into a calm and gentle ocean that he named Mar Pacifico (Peaceful Sea in Portuguese). We know it as the Pacific Ocean.

The five ships in the fleet were named the Trinidad, the Santiago, the Victoria, the Concepcion, and the San Antonio. Magellan commanded The Trinidad.

Magellan’s crew reported meeting giants on the beaches of Patagonia. Researchers today believe that the Portuguese must have encountered the Tehuelche, a naturally tall tribe indigenous to southern Chile and Argentina.

Manuel I, king of Portugal, who refused to fund the voyage, was furious when Magellan sailed under the Spanish flag. He did his best to scuttle the expedition but failed.

On the long journey across the Pacific the sailors ate rats and sawdust to survive.

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