Colours of summer - Young World Club

Colours of summer

  • POSTED ON: 22 Apr, 2020
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 703 Views
  • POSTED BY: Katie Bagli
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

The unbearable heat of summer throughout the tropical regions of our country is compensated for by a lot of trees that burst into blooms, adding colour and beauty to our lives. Many of them give off a delightful fragrance. And, when they shed their petals, they form colourful carpets on the ground. But that is not all. The flowers attract insects like butterflies and bees, and draw parties of birds that rent the air with their music and song.

It would be a good idea to collect the freshly fallen flowers and observe them in detail. Keep a magnifying lens handy and jot down your observations in a note book. You can even press them in a scrap book and make your own herbarium. Points to note: Original colour of flower, size of flower, number and shape of petals, stamens and stigma.

Can you name the trees to which these flowers belong?