Conserve, reserve - Young World Club

Conserve, reserve

  • POSTED ON: 14 Dec, 2019
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 673 Views
  • POSTED BY: Jenny Varghese
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

Since 1991, December 14 has been Energy Conservation Day. But what exactly is ‘energy conservation’.

Energy conservation is the effort made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less of an energy service. This can be done by reducing the amount of energy we use for a certain service or by using less of a service that needs a lot of energy (for example, walking instead of using a vehicle). Energy is often produced by coal, oil and natural gas, but these are being used up more than the Earth can produce and they can also leave behind more pollutants which are harmful for the planet. There are other ways to get energy through renewable energy such as wind, solar, water and so on.

Conserving energy is important because not only does it help the environment but it can also help with personal finances – in the long run, you could save money. You don’t even have to do anything grand and difficult to do your part in conserving energy. You could:

– Remember to turn the lights, fans or any electrical appliances off when they are not being used.

– Don’t leave the tap running when you are brushing your teeth, or be a bit more considerate when taking a bath and how much water you use.

– Try to use public transport as much as possible, and if it is a short distance, why not try to walk or ride a bicycle? Not only does that cut down on fuel,it also saves you money and it’ll be a good way to keep fit and healthy.

Here’s an easy activity for you to find the different ways you can conserve energy. All you have to do is click on them in the image below.