Coping with confusion - Young World Club

Coping with confusion

  • POSTED ON: 29 Apr, 2020
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1021 Views
  • POSTED BY: Bug Boy
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

Hello and greetings from the deep void known as the COVID-19 lockdown. How are you all doing? Like really, how are you feeling? I know that I’m feeling… well, I’m feeling all sorts of things. Angry, confused, sad, happy, bored… and I never know when I’m going to switch from one mood to another.

And it’s not just me – everyone in my family is on a roller coaster ride of emotions. One moment everything seems fine, and the next moment, the smallest thing seems to trigger a fight, or a tantrum or a barking spree. Though the last one is just W the dog and not any of the humans.

Our school principal sent us all an email saying that this behaviour is kind of… normal. Well, not NORMAL normal, but kind of to be expected normal.

I know that I miss my friends, and I’m sad I can’t go play with them. I was supposed to meet all my cousins this summer, and that’s not going to happen and that’s made me feel down too. I most likely won’t get to celebrate my birthday with my friends or see my grandparents or play cricket with my crew again for a while. And that makes me bummed out.

Do you feel that way? It’s like the wait between Avengers movies. You know they’re going to release another one at some point, but the wait feels like it’s going on forever.

Our Principal sent us some suggestions on how to try and cope with what’s going on. Click on the plus sign to see what they are…