Cross your fingers, break a leg - Young World Club

Cross your fingers, break a leg

  • POSTED ON: 14 Sep, 2021
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 448 Views
  • POSTED BY: Bhavya Venkatesh | Video: Jagadish Kumar TPM
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

Theatre folk are known to be famously superstitious. There are many things they believe one should or shouldn't do while inside a theatre and these beliefs have passed on from generation to generation.

One of the most famous of these is the taboo surrounding Shakespeare's play Macbeth. It is believed that just uttering the name 'Macbeth' inside a theatre will bring bad luck. If one must absolutely refer to it, one should say 'The Scottish Play' or 'The Bard's Play' instead.

There are many other common superstitions that are followed even today. Watch this video to find out what they are and how they came about.