Design for Change - Scarcity of water - Young World Club

Design for Change – Scarcity of water

  • POSTED ON: 22 Oct, 2016
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1147 Views
  • POSTED BY: Design for Change
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

Students of Indira High School in Wardha, Maharashtra, raised funds to construct a check dam near their school to address the lack of drinking water. This was an issue that concerned not only the school community but also the villagers living nearby whose livelihoods depended on agriculture and therefore needed adequate water for irrigation.

With the help of contributions from the villagers, the students were able to collect enough money over an entire month to construct a dam. The successful execution of this project not only provided both the students and villagers with water, but also strengthened ties between both communities. Watch this video for more.