Don't be a bully! - Young World Club

Don’t be a bully!

  • POSTED ON: 2 Feb, 2022
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 297 Views
  • POSTED BY: Madhumitha Srinivasan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

According to UNICEF, cyberbullying is bullying with the use of digital technologies. It can take place on social media, messaging, and gaming platforms and mobile phones. It involves repeated behaviour, aimed at scaring, angering or shaming those who are targeted.

Types of cyberbullying

Harassment: Sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages/photos deliberately to mentally abuse, humiliate and threaten the victim.

Denigration: Sharing information/photos about another person that is untrue and embarrassing, for the purpose of spreading rumours and gossip.

Flaming: Deliberately using extreme and offensive language with the knowledge that it is causing distress to the victim. Similarly, getting into online arguments and fights to provoke the victim.

Impersonation: Using a person’s online identity without his/her knowledge to get him/her into trouble by posting untrue/embarrassing information.

Trickery: Tricking people into revealing their secrets and private information, and outing them by sharing it with others without their consent.

Cyber Stalking: Closely monitoring the victim’s online activities and bombarding them with messages of threats and intimidation across platforms and time. The harasser keeps track of the victim online and sometimes, offline too (using information available to them), thus making the victim fear for their safety.

Exclusion: The victim is intentionally left out of digital groups and interactions like group messages, social media communities, gaming sites, and other forms of online engagement.

Find the hidden words

(Illustration: Sonal Goyal)