As free as a bird - Young World Club

As free as a bird

  • POSTED ON: 13 Apr, 2020
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 668 Views
  • POSTED BY: Katie Bagli
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

Birds fascinate all of us. They are in their element in summer, making the most of the trees in bloom, enjoying the nectar from the flowers. Some, like the parakeets, even eat the flowers. And later, the pods and fruits are feasted upon by many of them. Of course, this is not true for the carnivorous birds. For them the lush trees provide nesting material like twigs and leaves and pose as roosting sites.

If you wish to know more about birds, you can fish out your binoculars and begin with observing those that are in your neighbourhood. Maintain a notebook, where you jot down your notes. Important points to note: size, calls, plumage, habitat and behaviour.