Feeding frenzy - Young World Club

Feeding frenzy

  • POSTED ON: 2 Nov, 2019
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 720 Views
  • POSTED BY: Madhumitha Srinivasan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

We share our planet with over 10 quintillion insects at any given time! That’s more insects than all humans put together – there are more than 1.4 billion insects for each human on the planet.

With so many different varieties of insects, you can also expect their food to be as varied. Many eat plants, some eat products of plants like nectar and sap, some feed on other insects, and some drink blood.

There are also insects like mayflies that never eat. After they become adults, they lay eggs and then die, all within a span of a few hours or days.

Play this memory game to learn about the unique diet of a few insects that inhabit our planet.