For the bookworms - Young World Club

For the bookworms

  • POSTED ON: 19 Apr, 2023
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 181 Views
  • POSTED BY: R. Krithika
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

A roomful of books has a peculiar smell that is associated with paper and gum and leather, especially when the books are old. And libraries are chockful of these. Today, as the Kindle and other e-readers take over our world, let’s take a look at some of the famous libraries that still treasure the printed word.

There are many old libraries in India and the world. For example, in South India, there are the world-famous Connemara Library and the Saraswati Mahal Library. Among the more famous ones in foreign countries are the British Library in the U.K. and the New York Public Library in the U.S.

Here is an activity about famous libraries across the world. See if you can find the city in which these libraries are situated.