Fun browser shortcuts - Young World Club

Fun browser shortcuts

  • POSTED ON: 26 Jul, 2019
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 805 Views
  • POSTED BY: Akshaya Ganesh
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

Be it for information or purchasing a product, most of us turn to the web. Net-surfing has become an important activity that we perform in our day-to-day lives. So, enhance your browsing experience with these browser shortcuts which work on most web browsers.

Ctrl+N – This opens the browser in a new window

Ctrl+Shift+N – This opens the browser in a new private/ incognito window. Browsing in the incognito mode will prevent the browser from maintaining a browsing history.

Ctrl+T – This opens a new tab in the same window, while Ctrl+W will close the existing tab.

Ctrl+H – This opens your browsing history in a new tab.

Ctrl+J – This combo opens your download history.

Ctrl+F5 – This is a forced refresh that will re-download the entire website and delete any existing cache.

Alt+Left arrow – This takes you to the previous webpage and Alt+Right arrow takes you one step forward in your browsing history.

Alt+Home – This combination takes you to the browser homepage.

Ctrl+1-8 – Counting from the left, this will open the tab relevant to the number you key in along with the Ctrl key.

Ctrl+Tab – This lets you shift to the next tab, while Ctrl+Shift+T will take you to the previous tab.

Ctrl+(plus) – This enables you to zoom into the page while Ctrl+minus will zoom out. Ctrl+0 will bring the viewing window back to the default size.

Ctrl+Enter – Just keying in the website name and hitting this combo will append www before the website name and .com after the website name. For example, typing ‘youtube’ and hitting Ctrl+Enter will give you ‘’ and take you to the site.

Based on the article, here is a fun memory game for you. Match the shortcuts with their functions.