Healthy highs - Young World Club

Healthy highs

  • POSTED ON: 2 Apr, 2020
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1056 Views
  • POSTED BY: Madhuvanti S. Krishnan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

Staying indoors, for days on end, can be a drag. But there are so many activities you can do that will not only help you kill boredom, but also keep you fit. Here are a few that will help you stay in the pink of health. How quickly can you solve these puzzles?

Hula hoops

Performing the hula hip motion while keeping the hoop up at the trunk requires you to use your abdominal, oblique, and upper back muscles. This will not only strengthen your core but also help improve your balance and coordination.

Jump rope

This helps improve motor skills, timing, coordination, balance and posture. It also encourages you to be creative: you can whip up criss-cross jumps, heal-to-toe and more such combinations. Just be careful not to hit anyone or anything with your rope.


This colourful game is fun for more reasons than one. Not only does it help strengthen core muscles, improve balance and strength, it also helps improve your hand-eye coordination and flexibility. It makes you use your grey cells while undergoing physical exertion, further strengthening the bond between your body and brain.

Jumping jacks

Not only do they work your shoulder muscles and abs, but they are also a full body workout. Add some music to it and start jumping. These also help you run and jump faster and higher.


The 10 boxes in this game are all you need to help master body control. The movements involved build body strength, balance, eye-hand coordination and more. As the game involves numbers, your counting skills will naturally develop too.