The Hindu LFL Children's Fest is here! - Young World Club

The Hindu LFL Children’s Fest is here!

  • POSTED ON: 5 Jan, 2018
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 600 Views
  • POSTED BY: Young World
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

Head to the Land of Oz and Chamber of Secrets to find out what’s going on there. The Hindu LFL Children’s Fest 2018 to be held in Chennai gives you six reasons to enter these lands. To register, visit

Theatre Workshop

“The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house. All that cold, cold, wet day.” Remember how Sally and Conrad have an eventful day with the Cat in the Hat? What if you got a chance to be these characters on stage? Or you could also have an action packed day by making your own story book. Amelio Early Education, will help you with this.

Amelio creates and manages high-quality early education centres at workplaces so that mothers can have a successful career and a loving family. With an in-built curriculum that has proved to enhance cognitive and language outcomes, it promises to offer the best-in-class early education.

Let’s get Dramatic! (Juniors: 5-8 years)

Books come alive on stage through this exciting 90-minute workshop. You will get to mime, enact and use expressions to make reading fun and engaging. You will be divided into teams and facilitators will work with each team to ensure an amusing, dramatic and theatrical experience, to bring the characters of your books alive. This activity will help you understand the fundamentals of team dynamics, participation and enhance your social skills. The workshop is facilitated by Freddy Koikaran, a professional musician, actor and voice over artist. He began a career on stage and is now the proprietor of Stagefright Productions, a Chennai-based music and Theatre Company.

Duration: 90 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 03:00 p.m.- 04:30 p.m. January 15, Monday | Venue: Land of Oz at Lady Andal School, Chennai

Pulitzer, Here I Come! (Seniors: 9-12 years)

Want to become an author? Here’s what you need to know. Think up a good plot, learn to characterise and illustrate and bingo! You’re on. Here’s a two-day workshop, where you will ideate and create a story, sketch and detail your characters, write a plot and maybe even create a twist. Finally, put your book together. At the end of the workshop, you will take home a book that was created entirely by you! Pravin Sekar, a start-up specialist is the facilitator. He recently won the Grand Prize in the National Geographic Traveler – Uttarakhand Tourism competition and his images have been published in NatGeo Traveler and Lonely Planet India. This will be executed over a 2-day session, each for 90 minutes.

Duration: 90 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 02:30 p.m.- 04:00 p.m. January 14, Sunday; 12:00 noon- 1:30 p.m. January 15, Monday | Venue: Chamber of Secrets at Lady Andal School, Chennai

Super Brain Workshop

Can you tell the colour of a ball without looking at it? Can you find your way around by just using your sense of smell and touch? You don’t have to be a superhero to do this. Just rewire your brain. Brighter Minds will show you how.

Brighter Minds is an educational initiative that helps enhance cognitive functioning for achieving personal excellence. It is a unique whole brain wellness programme which aims at enhancing the sensory perceptions and cognitive functions.

Train Your Brain (Juniors: 5-8 years)

The Alpha Programme creates a learning environment with joy, love, positive suggestions, and inspiration through various tools and techniques like brain exercises, breathing techniques, relaxation, dance, fun games, and Brighter Minds music to stimulate the intuitive capabilities of the brain by sending special vibrations through sound waves.

Duration: 120 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 12:00 noon- 02:00 p.m. January 15, Monday | Venue: Land of Oz at Lady Andal School, Chennai

Rewire your brain (Seniors: 9-12 years)

The Alpha+ Programme uses memory enhancement techniques, creative activities, fun games and Brighter Minds music to stimulate the intuitive capabilities of the brain by sending special vibrations through sound waves. Know your brain module helps in better understanding of the brain, neuroscience and all the fun facts about the brain. The programme aims at increasing creativity, intuitive capabilities, and enhancing memory.

Duration: 90 minutes| Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon January 16, Tuesday| Venue: Chamber of Secrets at Lady Andal School, Chennai

Illustration Workshop

Do you like to read? Or, do you like to see the pictures? Or, do you like it when they both come together? If your answer is ‘Yes’ to any of the questions, then this workshop is for you. Humans, Animals, Mythical Creatures — learn the art of illustration from Chetan Sharma as he helps you bring them alive on paper!

Chetan Sharma is the founder of Animagic India, a reputed independent animation studio. He effortlessly dons many hats - filmmaker, animator, writer, storyteller, designer and voice over artist. He has directed and produced two feature length animated films. He is the winner of the National Award for ‘Raju & I’ in 2005. He has illustrated over a dozen children’s books with eight titles for Karadi Tales. In 2017, he was invited to Pustaka Bookaroo in Malaysia for storytelling and illustrating sessions with children.

Hear Me Roar! (Juniors: 5-8 years)

What happens to an old couple when a ravenous lion is denied the feast promised to him? Illustrator Chetan Sharma will introduce the hilarious mouth-watering tale ‘The Lion’s Feast’ and will get you to draw your own version of the king of the jungle and his massive feast!

Duration: 90 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 2:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. January 14, Sunday | Venue: Land of Oz at Lady Andal School, Chennai

That can’t be true! (Seniors: 9-12 years)

Can you tell tales as tall as Bundal so that people exclaim in disbelief and wonder? Illustrator Chetan Sharma will get you to draw situations that are larger than life.

Duration: 90 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 3:00 p.m.- 4:30 p.m. January 15, Monday | Venue: Chamber of Secrets at Lady Andal School, Chennai

Storytelling Workshop

Don’t you love listening to stories before you go to bed or when you eat? Don’t you love the way your grandparents enthrall you with the same stories each time they tell it? Now, how about returning the favour by becoming a storyteller yourself?

Geeta Ramanujam will teach the tricks of the trade. Geeta is an Ashoka Fellow and the Indian coordinator for the International Storytelling Network (RIC) and the coordinator for the Indian Storytelling Network. Her vision for storytelling led her to create Kathalaya Trust 1996 and her enthusiastic way of narrating and teaching has led thousands of people learning and using the art of storytelling.

Short Tales (Juniors: 5-8 years)

Talk to puppets, travel through the Pictureland of fairy tales, hop and sing along with a frog and learn to spin a yarn while you immerse yourself in this fantabulous world of Storytelling.

Duration: 90 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. January 15, Monday | Venue: Land of Oz at Lady Andal School, Chennai

Tall Tales (Seniors: 9-12 years)

Learn to roar like a lion, howl like the wind and laugh like a witch as you learn to walk through the silent doors of the night sky and mime away your tales in this unforgettable Storytelling workshop woven just for you. Through voice, sounds, body language movement, gestures and expressions you will learn to be a master storyteller.

Duration: 90 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 11:45 a.m.- 1:15 p.m. January 14, Sunday | Venue: Chamber of Secrets at Lady Andal School, Chennai

Science & Magic Workshop

How many times have you looked at something and wondered ‘how is this even possible’? Why do bubbles pop? Why do we fall down and not up? Why is fire hot? How do planes fly? We may not be able to answer all of them but we will certainly attempt a few.

Come join us for a fun filled interactive session with ScienceUtsav — a creative parallel education program. They promote edu-tainment for children of age group 05 to 14 years with interactive and innovative hands-on activities, science experiments, fun projects, games, solving puzzles, science expeditions, and much more, to make children observe things around them with a new outlook. Harsha Atri, the cofounder of ScienceUtsav, will be handling the workshop.

Magic Potions (Juniors: 5-8 years)

You will play with magic potions that change colour and discover the magic of polymers that can make water disappear. You will understand acid base reaction where colours appear and disappear when mixed. You will observe various types of bubbles like floating bubbles, dancing bubbles, bubble net, snake bubbles and smoky bubbles.

Duration: 90 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 11:45 a.m.- 1:15 p.m. January 14, Sunday | Venue: Land of Oz at Lady Andal School, Chennai

Science in Action (Seniors: 9-12 years)

Everything we use in day-to-day life has a science connection. Now, it’s time to explore that! Play with safe chemicals and have a great experience creating something new! Chemical Chameleon, Fire Explosive, Magic Script are some of the attractions at the workshop. You will rediscover the science of flying and floating objects, revealed through experiments, stories, games and hands-on activities.

Duration: 90 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. January 14, Sunday | Venue: Chamber of Secrets at Lady Andal School, Chennai

Puppetry Workshop

Paper, bottles, cardboard boxes, straws, strings... What other use can you find for these everyday objects? If you thought of puppets then this workshop is just for you. Learn the art of making simple puppets from the Master Puppeteer Meena Naik — a world-renowned puppeteer and children’s theatre director.

She has been a national scholar of the Government of India, a Japan Foundation fellow and also a Senior Fellow of the Department of Culture, Government of India. Naik is the author of A Handbook of Puppetry. She heads Mumbai University’s puppetry course since 2012.

Fun with figures (Juniors: 5-8 years)

Discover the versatility of the brown paper bag as you turn them into frogs and other characters that tell different stories and messages. In this workshop you will transform the boring brown bags into animated, colourful objects using simple cutting, pasting and colouring techniques.

Duration: 90 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. January 14, Sunday | Venue: Land of Oz at Lady Andal School, Chennai

Let’s Make Marionnettes (Seniors: 9-12 years)

How do you become a better storyteller? Let your puppets do the talking. In this workshop you will change simple cardboard boxes into puppets with a movable jaw. Use your imagination to give them a colourful makeover.

Duration: 90 minutes | Fee: Rs 350 inclusive of GST | Date: 10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. January 15, Monday | Venue: Chamber of Secrets at Lady Andal School, Chennai

To register for the workshops, visit