Lessons that matter - Young World Club

Lessons that matter

  • POSTED ON: 31 Aug, 2020
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 564 Views
  • POSTED BY: Bug Boy | Illustration: Sahil Upalekar
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

It’s Teachers’ Day, people! Now, I’m not a big fan of ‘days’, unless it’s Saturday, Sunday or my birthday. Plus, when I think of Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Teachers’ Day — basically grown-ups’ days, it feels a little unfair. Aren’t all days pretty much their days, if you think about it?

Life coaches

If you’re a kid, the people who decide everything for you are your parents and teachers. What you eat, when you wake up, how much homework you get, and how much time you spend on it, what’s left over for Fortnite when you go to bed, and how often you have to take a shower…

But, I also realised that when we think of teachers, we somehow always think of the ones at school. And we should. But there are so many other people (and non-people) who teach us every day of our lives.

Here are some other teachers I’ve learned from in my life. Scroll through the slides to find out:

Okay, okay, the list is not complete without a big thank you to our teachers at school, at our sports coaching centres and at our hobby classes. THANK YOU! Even when we turn our cameras off, mute ourselves, chat with each other online and sneakily watch YouTube on another tab, you don’t give up on us. You keep teaching us. You keep giving us another chance. You still believe in us. And you’re still pretty scary even on Zoom. Now, that’s a skill I’d like to learn.