Living Beings - Young World Club

Living Beings

  • POSTED ON: 22 Jan, 2018
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 1113 Views
  • POSTED BY: Chari Vijayaraghavan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

Here are three living objects. You need to complete the drawing from the partially drawn figure. You can download and print the exercise sheet. There is always going to be a bit of trial and error. So it’s okay to use an eraser! Move the slider to get a look at the completed image

1. Here’s the sketch of a horse that you need to complete using a pencil. A thin outline should do.

2. Here’s a picture of a girl dreaming. Some of the parts are missing – a bit of free hand drawing should complete it.

3. Here’s a dog peeping in. Complete the drawing using thin lines or strokes..