Locked, yet famous - Young World Club

Locked, yet famous

  • POSTED ON: 24 Jul, 2020
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 481 Views
  • POSTED BY: Madhuvanti S. Krishnan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

Beaches are fun. You get to enjoy the sun, the sand, the ocean. But what if your country didn’t have access to a beach? Yes, such countries exist too. In other words, a landlocked country is one that does not border an ocean or major sea.

Being landlocked creates political and economic handicaps as opposed to having access to international waters. So, nations, throughout history, have tried to gain access to open waters, even at the cost of wealth, bloodshed, and political capital.

There are so many tidbits about such countries. How much do you know about them? Here are eight question to give you some insights.