Make your own pen stand - Young World Club

Make your own pen stand

  • POSTED ON: 27 Apr, 2018
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 2242 Views
  • POSTED BY: Madhumitha Srinivasan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

Let’s try our hand at making a pen or pencil stand that requires minimal material and effort; and, it’s personlised and your very own!

Materials: Six square sheets of paper of different colours (thicker sheets make for sturdier stands), glue


1. Fold a square sheet of paper into four — first into half, and then again into half — so that when you open it out you are left with perpendicular fold lines.

2. Fold the top two corners towards the centre as shown.

3. Fold the bottom length-wise towards the centre.

4. Fold the left and right sides of the sheet towards the centre as shown.

5. Now, open out the folds you just made. Insert the right flap into the left and glue together. You have a triangle. Make five more.

6. Glue the sides of one triangle to another. Together they form a cone.

7. Your pen stand is ready!