Make your own Tablet / Book stand - Young World Club

Make your own Tablet / Book stand

  • POSTED ON: 7 Aug, 2016
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 2200 Views
  • POSTED BY: Somu Padmanabhan
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

We often use our tablets such as iPads on video calls, watch videos and learn to do various art /craft forms or exercises. We read instructional books like recipe books in the kitchen to help us with our cooking. In such situations, it's good to have a stand which helps being hands-free and at the same time, offer sturdy support.

Here's a video to create your very own stand with wood. Note: This is meant to be done under adult supervision. Youngsters can use thick cardboard instead of wood or else just observe it being done by their parents or teachers.