Nature's magic - Young World Club

Nature’s magic

  • POSTED ON: 11 Jan, 2019
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 839 Views
  • POSTED BY: Nimi Kurian
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 150 Points

Nature throws up many surprises and most often has us baffled. In the days before technology, we attributed to one god or the other. Nowadays, we try to unlock these mysteries but Nature will not give up her secrets so easily and so, we have these unsolved mysteries on hand.

Sand dunes can sing

You may not recognise the tune but it is a deep hum, like that of a million bees buzzing. But, all dunes don’t sing the same tune. Some may make a high pitched sound, while others prefer a low bass. Studies reveal that the different notes produced depends on the size of the grain and the speed at which they whistle through the air.

Everlasting storm

Every evening, the sky darkens and a storm comes up over a swamp in north western Venezuela. This has been happening for centuries. Catatumbo lightning lights up the sky with an average of 28 strikes per minute and can last up to 10 hours. Strangely, there is no thunder.

Just groovy

The crooked forest in West Pomerania, Poland has some 400 pines, and not one of it has grown straight. This crooked forest is a part of a larger forest of normal pines. These trees were likely to have been planted in the 1930s. It is presumed that when they were around seven to 10 years old, something happened that caused them to take a detour.

Disappearing waterfall

The Brule River in Minnesota travels through Judge C. R. Magney State Park and then drops 800 feet forming several waterfalls along the way. At one point, a large jutting rock causes the river to split, resulting in two waterfalls. While one of them goes on its normal course, the other simply disappears into a deep hole known as the Devil’s Kettle.