Olympian facts - Young World Club

Olympian facts

  • POSTED ON: 23 Jun, 2021
  • TOTAL VIEWS: 459 Views
  • POSTED BY: Jenny Varghese
  • ARTICLE POINTS: 100 Points

June 23 is international Olympic Day; however, it is most commonly known as ‘Olympic Day Run’. This is an international Olympic Movement to promote competitive sport as a revival of the ancient Olympic Games. The day aims to promote the Olympic Games while encouraging more people to participate in sports and explaining why incorporating it into their lives is important. The occasion marks the day when International Olympic Committee was founded in 1894.

To celebrate the day and the 2021 Summer Olympics, which is being held in Tokyo next month, go through the cards below to learn some interesting facts you might not have known about one of the biggest sporting events.

Turn the cards over to read the fact.