Juicy arithmetic

Some fruits, and lots of smarts. Can you solve these sums?

Can you solve these multiplication equations using the clues given below? Drag and drop the answer into the correct box.

Dance away your blues

There are many beautiful dancers in Nature. Read on to know more about some of them and also solve the puzzle

I am sure you all love dancing, but did you know that many mammals, reptiles, birds and even insects dance with their partners?
Imagine travelling through a desert at night and seeing two Red Foxes waltzing in the moonlight. They stand face to face on their hind legs with their forelegs intertwined and sing to each other.

Once a friend wanted to clear a well that had been choked with stones, mud and wild plants. When the earth mover arrived to do the job, she saw two cobras swaying about with their long bodies intertwined. The work came to a halt. When the dance continued for over an hour, she got the machine operator to gently pick up the snakes along with surrounding soil and place them elsewhere so that they could continue to tango.

Birds are great songsters and spectacular dancers. Have you ever seen a pair of Black-winged kites swooping in the air? The male soars effortlessly upwards and may toss some food to his partner. The female, also on the wing, sometimes flips upside down to catch the morsel. The two then lock talons and tumble down together, letting go of their grip at the last instant before landing.

The tall Sarus Crane performs a charming courtship dance. The partners throw their red heads back and, with much trumpeting, spread their wings out, bow to and circle each other and prance and leap around like ballerinas.
The nuptial dance flight of ants, which takes place after the first rains, takes the cake. Worker ants of the same species but from two different colonies get the males and young queens ready for the great event. Often the males are impatient and want to fly off but the workers hold them off till the weather conditions are just right.

Then the two sets of workers release the males and queens in synchronised fashion and the flash mob begins. A shimmering curtain of lacy wings is all one can see, as the partners meet and mate in the air. Once they descend, the male dies and the young queen tears off her wings and founds a new colony to lay her eggs.
Watch the fronds of the palm tree swaying gracefully in the wind or the leaves of the Peepul sashaying on a hot afternoon even when there is no hint of a breeze. Doesn’t this look like a dance too?
So, you see, it’s not just humans who like to dance. Other living beings do too.

Pink among pinks

Did you know that are different shades of pink? Find them all!

While it is still the season of love, let’s learn more about one of the two colours most associated with Valentine’s month – pink!

Scientifically, there are around 29,000 different pink shades!! Out of these, 129 shades have names, Hex, RGB and CMYK Codes.

Here are a few of the common shades of pink among the hundreds. Find their names in the word grid!

Fit as a fiddle?

You want to stay healthy but don’t know how to get started? Here are five easy tips to follow that will set you on track to a great start.

Every day you are exposed to germs and infections, whether it is at home or school or in the playground. So, how can you stay healthy? You can reduce the risk of falling ill by following some simple steps.

Become a Landscape architect

Would you like to be a landscape architect, who designs outdoor spaces and environments?

Landscape architects typically design spaces such as parks, gardens, plazas, playgrounds, campuses, and parkways in such a way that they are functional as well as aesthetically pleasing and harmonious with the natural environment.

Scroll through this slider to learn more

Can raisins dance in carbonated water?

All about carbonated water and its effects on objects!

This science experiment tells us that the raisin dance is essentially a fight between the forces of gravity and buoyancy. When buoyancy wins, the raisin rises, and when gravity wins, the raisin sinks. And now you know why raisins dance in carbonated water! Scroll through this image slider.

Chetna Vasishth is Vice President-Content Marketing at BYJU’S where she is responsible for visual storytelling on BYJU’S social media platforms.

Crossword for you

Did you even know the number of types of water bodies? Play this crossword to know more

A marshland, a wetland, a bay or a bayou! So many ways in which water bodies get their names. This crossword describes them for you.

Highway to India

The Suez Canal has a long history, dating back almost 40 centuries. Read about it.

On February 17, 1867, history was created in the newly constructed Suez Canal.

It is an artificial sea-level waterway, 120 miles long connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez, which is a northern branch of the Red Sea. Today, it is one of the most heavily used waterways in the world, because it offers the shortest sea route between Europe and countries along the Indian Ocean and the Western Pacific Ocean.

Slide right to know about its history…

Whip up some love

Try this delicious muffin recipe to treat your Valentine to a sweet surprise!

All you need is love…but some muffins now and then don’t hurt! This Valentine’s Day, show your love with this simple muffin recipe.

But first, you need to match the names of the ingredients to the pictures to make sure you get them all ready.


How to make it: