Young and fiery

Find out all about who was victorious at the first edition of this tournament.

Did you know that some of India’s brightest cricketing stars played Under-19 cricket before going on to play in the big leagues? Yuvraj Singh, Mohammad Kaif, Virat Kohli, Harbhajan Singh, Irfan Pathan, Shikhar Dhawan, Rohit Sharma, Ravindra Jadeja – the list goes on and on.

In January this year, the spotlight was on India’s Under-19 women, who competed at the inaugural edition of the ICC Under-19 Women’s World Cup. Scroll through the slides to learn more about India’s U-19 cricket performances.

What’s in my room?

Some houses have different rooms for different purposes. Can you name them all?

Can you guess the names of these rooms in a house and find them in the grid below?

Quiz Whizz

A bit of this and a bit of that is what makes the quiz super exciting. Go on, click on the right button and check out your general knowledge.

Time to test those little grey cells. Put on your thinking cap and answer these easy quiz questions.

A ‘matter’ of favouritism

Episode 34: Meghnath discovers that Sukracharya’s life could have a connection to quantum physics!

As Sukracharya continues to teach Meghnath about different scientific principles and technology, Meghnath grows fonder of him and also becomes curious to learn more about his guru. 

Meghnath: Guru, whatever I have learnt from you in the past few months is more than what I have learnt from my father all my life. I am lucky to be your student. 

Sukracharya: Don’t underestimate your father, Meghnath. Ravana is one of the best warriors and a very smart one too. He could have sent you to your grandfather Mayasura to learn. Instead, he sent you to learn from me. Did you ever wonder why? 

Meghnath: I assumed it was because you know more.  

Sukracharya: Not really. There’s an important reason.  Do you remember how your father got scared when you played with the lions? (Refer to Episode 2) 

Meghnath: Yes. And not only with lions. Whenever I had a friendly training fight with my friends, he would shout at my friends sometimes for hurting me. 

Sukracharya: To learn something and become great at it, you have to undergo pain, be it mental or physical. Such painful training might not take place effectively under your father or grandfather. 

Meghnath: Why? 

Sukracharya: Because your father learnt an important lesson from my life.

Meghanth: From your life? Can you share it with me?  

Sukracharya: Of course. First, tell me why am I the guru of the Asuras and not the Devas? 

Meghnath: You are the son of Brighu, one of the “Saptarishis”, and the grandson of Brahma. I assumed Brahma wanted to maintain the balance between the Devas and Asuras, like matter and antimatter. So, you were assigned as the guru of the Asuras. 

Sukracharya: While that was Brahma’s original idea, do you know what happened in reality? There is more matter than antimatter. The Universe was created by the collision of two high-speed atoms. Humans call this phenomenon the “Big Bang”. This collision is supposed to have created equal amounts of matter and antimatter. 

Meghnath: So, as stated in Newton’s Third Law (every action has an equal and opposite reaction), the opposites of protons and electrons were created? 

Sukracharya: Exactly. Antiproton (opposite of proton) and positron (opposite of electron) were also created.

Meghnath: But then, nothing should ever exist, right? Because when antiproton and positron collide with their opposites, both particles get destroyed. 

Sukracharya: This is one of the greatest challenges in Physics: Figuring out why there is far more matter than antimatter in the universe. 

Meghnath: Do you know the answer? 

Sukracharya: When I tell you the story of my life, perhaps you may be able to figure it out. Brahaspathi (the guru of Devas) and I were once best friends. We studied under Angirasa, who was also Brahaspathi’s father. In most competitions, I used to beat him.  

Meghnath: That must have made him angry. 

Sukracharya: Of course, but only as a competitor. But as a friend, he was always good to me. Both of us benefitted from these competitions: growing and learning. But, to his father, it did not seem so. He wanted his son to win always and he made sure that it happened. 

Meghnath: How? You were better than Brahaspathi? 

Sukracharya: It’s not about who is better; it’s about favouritism. Since Guru Angirasa wanted his son to win everything and show off to the Devas and the Gods, he began to put me down and deny me opportunities to compete deliberately.

Meghnath: It’s like losing the game without even playing.I would have left the place immediately!  

Sukracharya: That’s exactly what I did. I left to learn under Guru Gautama. But due to Indra’s favouritism, Brahaspathi was chosen to become the Guru of Devas.  

Meghnanth: That’s unfair! How did Brahaspathi accept this? 

Sukracharya: Perhaps he couldn’t go against his father’s word and that of the king of Devas.

Meghnath: Favouritism is awful and dangerous! 

Sukracharya: For effective and equal education, there must not be any favouritism. That’s why your father chose to make you learn under me. 

Meghnath: I understand! But how does your story connect to the existence of more matter than antimatter? 

Sukracharya: I can’t give you a direct answer but will give you a clue with an interesting story next week… 

To be continued… 

The author is the founder and CEO of Vaayusastra Aerospace, an IIT-Madras incubated ed-tech startup that offers Air Science workshops for children between five and 14 years.

Hues of love

This Valentine’s Day, show your love with colours.

Where’s my shadow?

Match the fruit with its shadow.

Six famous fruits seem to have missed their shadows. Can you find it for them?

On the wing of a prayer

Some religious places are also tourist hotspots. Read on to know more…

Have you ever been to the Nagore dargah in Tamil Nadu? Or to the Sai Baba temple at Shirdi, Maharashtra? If you have, you would have noticed that the pilgrims come from different parts of the country. Many religious places are popular with tourists and teem with people through the year. Here are four such religious sites:

Wordly wise

This is a Snakes and Ladders game that can help improve your vocabulary…

Ready for snakes and ladders? No, it is not even remotely like the regular board game. This involves letters instead of numbers.

All you have to do is connect the letter pairs in the ladder on the left with the correct pairs in the ladder on the right, with middle letter “SH“. We have solved one to get you started: PUSHED.

What’s cooking?

A crossword that will make your mouth water. Get, set, go.

Basting, dicing, blanching, whisking…. everything to do with food and cooking, of courses. How much do you know about cooking? Try your hand at this crossword to find out.