Team work works!

You love the game of football but do you know the players? Watch this video to know…

Team work works!
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How Santa got his reindeer

The animals at Lucky Farm suddenly hear some shocking news. Christmas was cancelled! Oh no!

When the animals at Lucky Farm heard that there would be no Christmas, they were aghast. They wondered how they could save Christmas. Scroll through the slides to read the story.

A snowman without snow

Do you also want to build a snowman without snow? This craft shows you how.

“Do you want to build a snowman?” When Anna asked her sister, Queen Elsa, this question, she meant building one with real snow. But for those of us who aren’t so lucky with finding snow nearby, here’s how we can build one with a bit of creativity.

Follow the steps to build your own snowman.

(Images: iStock Photos)

Let’s decorate the tree

Did you know that every decoration you hang on the Christmas tree has a significance? Well, if you didn’t, then read up to find out.

Every ornament that is hung on the Christmas tree symbolises something, either love or peace or hope. Let’s take a look at a few of them. When you are done reading, try your hand at the word search and see how many decorative items you can identify.

The Christmas tree is believed to keep evil spirits and illnesses at bay. It was also a symbol of everlasting life with God and that’s why evergreens are preferred.

The angels visited Joseph and Mary and also appeared in the sky over Bethlehem to announce his birth. Since angels appeared in the sky, they are placed on the top of the Christmas tree. Sometimes, instead of an angel, we place a star on the top. This represents the star that appeared in the sky to guide the wise men to the Christ child.

Bells are hung on the tree because traditionally it is believed that the ringing of bells drives out evil spirits. And on the Christmas tree, the bells symbolise the announcement of Jesus’ birth, as the heavenly host praising God.

Have you seen a red-and-white candy cane shaped like a shepherd’s crook on the tree? This represents the shepherds who were the first to worship Christ. Also, Jesus is often called the Good Shepherd. Another meaning is that the white represents Jesus’ purity and the red stands for his blood or sacrifice.

The holly tree has sharp leaves and is said to signify the crown of thorns worn by Jesus. The red berries imply his blood.

The fruit basket on the other hand represents food. It is a sign of having plenty to eat and reminds us to be generous and share with others. The pine cone represents fruitfulness, eternity, motherhood, and fertility and the heart symbolises true love and love in the home.

The dove represents the Holy Spirit and symbolises joy and happiness. If the bird is in a nest, then it represents confidence in the cottage or home.

A frog is not so common, but sometimes it does find a place on the tree. A traditional symbol of good luck, the forward movement of frogs reminds us to move towards our goals.

The teapot symbolises hospitality and reminds us to welcome our guests. A pickle ornament hidden in the tree is another tradition. It is believed that the person who finds it will have a year of good fortune.

The parasitic Mistletoe is one of the four plants that are symbols of Christmas. It grows on a variety of trees and continues to live even when those trees drop their leaves in autumn. Hence it became a symbol of fertility and everlasting life.

Complete the series

Sudoku fans will enjoy this game without numbers.

Ever played sudoku and loved it? Well, if yes, here is something similar, a shape sudoku, if you will.

Each row has two missing shapes. Now, drag and drop the elements in such a way that each row has all the shapes vertically and horizontally.

Galaxy of stars

Take a look at some Nobel Prize winners who were awarded for their contributions towards making the world a better place…

Since 1901, the Nobel Prizes have been presented to the laureates on December 10, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. It is also observed as Nobel Prize Day.

Nobel instituted the awards to “reward the discoveries that have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.” A majority of Nobel’s wealth — which came through the invention of dynamite — was left towards the establishment of this prize and the Nobel Foundation.

To this day, the Foundation manages his fortune and is responsible for fulfilling the intentions of Nobel’s will. Various independent prize-awarding institutions select Nobel Laureates in each prize category. Prizes are awarded in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology Or Medicine, Literature, Peace and Economic Sciences.

Did you know that between 1901 and 2022, the Nobel Prize and the prize in Economic Sciences were awarded 615 times? Meet a few of the Nobel Laureates…

Christmas around the world

These fascinating festive traditions around the world are more than just the usual sparkle and shine.

Ukraine: Glistening gossamer

You have seen Christmas trees decorated with baubles and tinsel. But, did you know that Ukrainians adorn their trees with an unusual item? Legend has it that there was once a poor woman who could not afford to buy ornaments to decorate her tree for her children. Overnight, a spider spun intricate webs on the tree, and the family woke up to a beautiful sight, for, the threads turned to silver and gold in the sunlight. To remember this miracle, Ukrainians decorate their Christmas trees with artificial spider webs.

Austria: Fear factor

Ho ho ho! It’s Santa Claus! Don’t you love it when he leaves you presents for being good all year? But what if you’ve been naughty? In Austria and other European countries, there’s someone for this too — Krampus. This half-goat, the half-demon monster doesn’t take milk and cookies and certainly doesn’t give you presents. Instead, he punishes children that have misbehaved by beating them with branches and sticks. Yikes!

The Philippines: Burst of colour

Every year, in mid-December, the city of San Fernando, in the Philippines, comes alive with a vibrant mix of lanterns, lights, and music. Bright and spectacular parols, which are Filipino ornamental lanterns, deck up the city. The Giant Lantern Festival is one of the highlights of the Filipino Christmas, and San Fernando has earned the title of ‘Christmas Capital of the Philippines’.

Sweden: Yule goat

Every year, around Christmas time, a peculiar figure makes its appearance at the Castle Square in the Swedish city of Gävle. More than 40 feet tall and made of a truckload of straw, the Gävle Goat is probably one of the most famous goats in the world. It’s also an enduring Christmas symbol. It made its first appearance in 1966 and is often the target of arson and vandalism. Did you know that one time it even survived a kidnap attempt by helicopter?

Venezuela: On wheels

Christmas is a jolly time, but, did you know that in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, people have added another fun tradition to make the season even merrier? Every year, people strap on their roller skates and glide away to Christmas mass. This custom has become so popular that the government evencloses streets to allow families to make their way safely.

The Santa test

Do you think you have really good eyesight? Then this challenge is for you!

Did you know?

Did you know that chickens are the closest living relatives of the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex? Let’s uncover some fascinating facts about birds

Did you know that scientists believe that birds have evolved from dinosaurs? Chickens are the closest living relatives of the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex, the most feared of all the dinosaurs.

Let’s uncover some fascinating facts about birds!

Move the slider from the right hand side towards the left on each fact to uncover the bird!

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Thank You For the Music

We’re all familiar with Jingle Bells, Silent Night and other Christmas songs. But, did you know that these jingles have a story behind them? Read on …

Christmas is a time of joy and music is an integral part of the celebrations. Here are some interesting facts about the popular carols and songs.