Quiz whizz: November 25, 2022

Up y our GK quotient with this quiz.

Time to get you grey cells going. How many questions from this set of six can you get right?

Which songbird are you?

Cheep cheep! Which skilled songster from nature matches your personality? Find out with this quiz.

Quick and complex or loud and exuberant? Which songbird’s tunes resonate with your personality? Pick a word for every vowel and we’ll tell you! Get started with this for-fun-only personality quiz now.

Architectural marvel

An iconic structure, the Sanchi Stupa is one of the finest examples of India’s ancient art.

In 1818, British general Henry Taylor observed a strange-looking hill during his travel in Central India and documented what he saw. Later studies proved that this hill was the Sanchi Stupa. Scientific excavation began in 1851 under Sir Alexander Cunningham. Read on…

Love a challenge?

Here’s a really touch challenge for you! Are you up for it?

This is a hard one. The 10 hidden objects are really hidden and it’s up to you to find them. Get set to challenge your eyes.

redgreystock/ Freepik

For a fitter you

Check out your fitness vocabulary with this crossword.

We all know how important it is to stay fit but how many of the terms associated with fitness do you know? Try this crossword and find out.

Not-so-small screen

Let’s celebrate the humble television that continues to be the single largest source of video consumption.

A television is more than just a device for watching our favourite cartoons, movies or shows. Globally, it has played an important role in shaping cultures and decisions, sparking revolutions, and promoting globalisation.

Recognising its significance, in 1996, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared November 21 as World Television Day.

It was in acknowledgement of “the increasing impact television has on decision-making by bringing world attention to conflicts and threats to peace and security and its potential role in sharpening the focus on other major issues, including economic and social issues.”

Scroll through this timeline to understand the evolution of television and some important moments in its history.

Books and more books

Books make great companions especially through the holiday season. Here’s a list of great books that will take you on adventures you never dared dream of.

Check out these books…

Iora and the Quest of Five by Arefa Tehsin

The residents of Twitterland are in trouble…in fact, the whole Rainforest. The Dark Anti-Natural Forces are at work and Iora and her friends Owlus and Beetle the Agogwe, have to stop the destruction. Can they succeed?

More spooky stories by Ajoy Podder and Tanushree Podder

Uday Sengupta is visiting his uncle in his sprawling house in Bastar. When he gets there he finds his uncle and his 12 friends celebrating a reunion. They begin to tell spooky stories. The stories progress from creepy to sinister and spine-chilling.

You Don’t Know What War Is: The Diary of a Young Girl from Ukraine by Yeva Skalietska

One morning, 12-year-old Yeva Skalietska who lives in Kharkiv, Ukraine wakes up to war. She and her grandmother have to flee. She documents her journey through diary entries, photographs, messages from friends, newspaper headlines and maps.

The Miracle on Ebenezer Street by Catherine Doyle

George misses his mother whom he lost three years ago. His dad is engrossed with his work and Christmas is never celebrated. But a visit to Marley’s Curiosity Shop and discovering a snow globe changes everything.

Try your hand at this word search. The word you are searching for is a part of the title. Go ahead, give it a try. It is not too difficult.

An electric connection

Did you know that bees use static atoms when they gather pollen? Read on …

We all know bees help us with pollination. How do they collect pollen from flowers> Scroll through the slider and learn exactly how!

My Monthly Planner: December 2022

Discover interesting facts about your favourite characters from the world of Harry Potter and download a calendar to keep yourself organised.