Let’s punctuate

Play this interactive quiz and learn all about punctautions.

Grammar is important for communication. If we don’t use the appropriate tenses or the correct plural or singular forms in conversation, our listeners may get confused. Punctuation is also important because it tells readers how the different words and clauses in your sentences and paragraphs are related. Watch this video to know more.

Smoke effect

Part #30: This vanara king learns an illusionary trick from the master of illusions. Learn along with him…

While Hanuman, Nala, and Nila are working on their science experiments, another person in another part of the forest is working on his own experiments.
Vali, the king of Kishkintha, has some of the most powerful boons any vanara king has ever had. Currently, he was trying to improve his magic skills. Vali’s celestial father, Indra, was known for his disguising skills. Every now and then, Indra would teach Vali some of his techniques for creating illusions.

(Illustration: Sahil Upalekar)

Indra: Did you know that, much later in the future, November 14 will be celebrated as Children’s Day in India?

Vali: A day to celebrate children! How thoughtful!

Indra: It’s actually the birthday of India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru who loved children. Hence his birthday will be celebrated as Children’s Day. He became Prime Minister after India won independence from British rule in 1947.

Vali: How did ruled by someone from another empire come to rule India?

Indra: Once India’s unity was destroyed, anybody could rule over it. Like they say, united we win, divided we fall.
Indra foresees a similar situation in Vali’s future.

Indra: Son, keep this lesson in mind and assure me that you will not fight with your brother.

Vali: As long as people are good to me, I will be good to them.

Indra: All right. Now moving on to the purpose of my visit today: to teach you how to create an illusionary fountain. It will come in handy when you want to escape from the enemy.

Vali: That sounds interesting!

Indra knows Vali will soon need this technique to fight the asura, Mayavi. 


Illusion waterfall

Materials required:
Transparent plastic cup
A small sheet of paper (The size of a sticky note)
Toothpick or skewer

The author is the founder and CEO of Vaayusastra Aerospace, an IIT-Madras incubated ed-tech startup that offers Air Science workshops for children between five and 14 years.

All the world’s a stage

It’s time to get on to stage and show what you can do. Find the answers to these clues and solve the crossword.

There’s more to theatre than the happenings on stage. Here’s an activity that tells you more. Solve these clues and find out…

Your body, your right

Let’s observe World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse by learning about why our body is our right.

World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse is observed on November 19. It raises awareness of the issue and helps children know that they can and must tell people they trust about how they feel.

Slide through these images to know what is okay and what is NOT okay. Remember, your body is yours.

Click here to download this poster and put it up in your room as a daily reminder.

(Poster and images courtesy: Tulir – Centre for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual Abuse)

To a fitter you

A peek into the world of cardiovascular strength, what it entails, and how you can improve yours…

When you run really fast, or box for an extended period, are you able to do so with ease, or do you huff and puff, and find yourself wanting to lay on the floor and fall asleep right away? If it is the former, it means your cardiovascular endurance is excellent, and if it is the latter, you need to work on improving it. So, what exactly is cardiovascular endurance? Simply put, it is the heart’s ability to withstand extended periods of activity.

There are multiple benefits from great cardiovascular strength. To begin with, it lowers the risk of heart disease, prevents diabetes, and keeps obesity at bay. There are multiple exercises you can do to build your cardiovascular strength. Here are four:

Jump rope

A stimulating physical activity that instantly makes you experience that welcome rush of endorphins, and boosts memory, and heart health. It provides a full-body workout as it works nearly every part of the body — arms, legs, back, shoulders, heart, and the core, and also improves coordination and strengthens the bones.

Indoor cycling

It works the leg muscles, thus increasing the heart rate, and improves stamina. It also works your core and calf muscles without taxing them as much as running tends to do. It is also a less time-consuming as one doesn’t need to have a route figured out. All you have to do is get started. Rain or shine, indoor cycling can continue uninterrupted.


One of the biggest advantages of a cardio exercise on a treadmill is that whether you walk or run, it can be controlled by speed/pace and incline/decline (going up or coming down). Apart from strengthening the core and the lower body, it also improves focus and overall cardiovascular endurance.


As it focuses on agility, balance, quickness, and hand-eye coordination, it is an ideal cross-training sport. Apart from the physical benefits, it encourages good habits of drinking water, and eating healthy and on time, which eventually leads to a healthier lifestyle as an adult.

Globescan – November 16, 2022

Take a quick look at what’s happening around the world.

Ukraine celebrates the recapture of Kherson, a key southern city. There’s good news for Indians in Canada who wish to join the Canadian military as rules have now been changed. There was a 6.1 magnitude in central Japan. Yusuf Shah, an 11-year-old of class six at Wigton Moor Primary School in Leeds outperformed Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking by receiving the highest score imaginable in a Mensa test. The UK boy scored 162 marks in the IQ test while Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking are estimated to have had IQs of around 160.

Read on to find out more.

Veggie dash!

It’s time to cook but the ingredients are missing! Help find them!

Rubina wants to make a vegetable salad. As she is going through the recipe, she realises she doesn’t have the star ingredients – the vegetables! Can you run to the store and find these vegetables from the list?

(Click on the vegetables in the image below to add them to your shopping bag)

Become a Cartographer

Love maps? Intrigued by boundaries around countries? Learn how you can become the one who draws them!

Did you know maps serve two functions: a spatial database and a communication device? The science of making maps is called cartography. Maps present information about the world in a simple, visual way. If you feel this interests you, see how you can become a cartographer. Scroll through this slider to know more.

Islands around the World

Islands and archipelagoes have been fascinating not only for their ecosystems, but also the stories associated with them

Did you know that Iceland is written as Ísland in Icelandic language? Watch the video and learn a bit more about famous islands!

Let’s see if you can guess the answer for the following questions, all based on islands!