Discover the past

Museums are powerful places that transform the world around us. They are places where we can learn about our past and fill our minds with new ideas.

Discover the past
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Windows to another world

When you wake up in the morning, you take it for granted that you will see the sunrise. Why? Because we have sight. Here’s a short quiz about the eye, try it.

Which part of your body lets you read a book? Or, see the rain? Or, watch out for cars when you are walking on the road?

When you are sad and you want to cry which part of the body allows you do that?

Yes, it is the eye.

Here are some things you can do to ensure your eye is healthy.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet, maintain your weight, exercise regularly, wear sunglasses when you go out in the sun, and most importantly give your eyes a rest.

Here is a simple quiz to test your knowledge about the eye.

Farewell, Federer!

Roger Federer bids farewell to the world of tennis after an illustrious career. Discover some fascinating facts about this sporting icon.

Farewell, Federer!
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Celestial shadows

What happens when the moon blocks the sunlight from reaching Earth? Find out here…

An eclipse takes place when one object in space blocks another from view. There are two types of eclipses: Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse.

During a solar eclipse, the Moon comes between Earth and the Sun, blocking the sun from view for a brief period of time. This is because Moon blocks prevent the sunlight from reaching Earth.

(Image: Freepik)

During a lunar eclipse, the Sun, Earth, and the Moon line up. Earth is in the middle, blocking the sunlight from reaching the Moon. Thus Moon is in Earth’s shadow.

(Image: Freepik)

Here is a word search puzzle with terms related to the eclipse. Can you find them in the grid?

My Monthly Planner: November 2022

Discover interesting facts about your favourite characters from the world of Harry Potter and download a calendar to keep yourself organised.

Masterful maestros

Learn about these Indian artists and about their works to be inspired…

Draw inspiration from the timeless creations of these incredibly creative and prolific Indian artists. Scroll through these slides to learn about them…


Word Search

Can you find the names of the artists in the grid below?

Far away in space

Learn how astronomers calculate distances in space.

Space is huge. It is difficult to imagine the distances involved. If astronomers used kilometres to describe these distances, they would have to use very big numbers. Therefore, to simplify things, and to make the numbers smaller and easier to handle, different measurements are used. Scroll through to know more

Courtesy: BYJU’S

Quiz whizz: October 20, 2022

Put on your thinking caps for, here are six questions to up your GK quotient.

Ready for another round of general knowledge? Get, set, go!

All things art

The Kochi Muziris Biennale, which will begin on December 12, is an artist-led initiative that showcases diverse voices and practices.

A large boat filled with essentials such as utensils, bedding, furniture and more filled the space at the Aspinwall Building, a former plantation company, in Kochi. This installation, by renowned artist Subodh Gupta, was titled “What does the vessel contain that is not in the river?” and told the sad and painful tale of human migration worldwide. This installation in the first Kochi Muziris Biennale (KMB) is what is called contemporary visual art.

Swipe through these slides to learn more about the KMB: