Lend them an ear

Five musicians whose music you must listen to!

Acquaint yourself with these contemporary musicians from across the world and be inspired by their stories and works:

Flash that smile

What foods make your teeth go ‘Yippee!’? And what foods make them go ‘Ouch!’? Sort out the food items in this interactive task.

The food we eat has a direct impact on the health of our teeth and gums. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that covers your teeth. Starchy or sugary goods react with plaque to form acids. These acids can break down the enamel in your teeth, leading to tooth decay.

While some foods cause tooth decay, others fight the build up of plaque. In the interactive task below, can you sort out the foods that are bad for your teeth and those that are good?

Wildly readable

This Wildlife Week, let’s take a peek into the world of books and discover authors, titles and protagonists. Try your hand at this word search. At the end of it, try and get hold of these books and read them. You won’t be disappointed.

Here are some books about India’s flora and fauna that come highly recommended. In this word search, you will have to find the names of authors, the title of the book, and sometimes even the name of the protagonist. There are clues to help you along so that it will be a piece of cake.

Once you are done with this don’t forget about it. Instead, try and read these books. You will learn a lot of wild animals, birds and reptiles. Go ahead, give it a try.

Make it to the mountains

There’s so much to know about mountains. Get, set, explore.

Mount Everest, The Himalayas, Nanda Devi, the Alps… the list is endless, when it comes to the mountains of the world. Check out this course presentation to know all about India’s mountains, their flora, wildlife, and more.

Ringing in the riches

Meet the world’s richest in this crossword.

Did you know the world’s billionaires are collectively worth $12.7 trillion? Even individually some billionaires are worth more than the GDP of some countries.

Currently, the world’s richest man is Elon Musk, a self-made billionaire. The top five richest people list also includes regulars like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

Here is a crossword in the theme of the world’s richest and their related industries. Can you solve it?

Puzzle Time

These two pictures may look similar, yet there are 10 reasons why they are not the same

Here’s a new puzzle. Can you find the differences between these two pictures?

Picture credit: Istock|GettyImages

Vive la France

French cuisine has a very important place in the world of food. Here is an activity that tells you more about it.

French food has, for long, been a major influence on Western cookery. In fact culinary education still uses criteria drawn from French cuisine as part of its curriculum. In 2010, the UNESCO added French gastronomy to its list of the World’s Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Given its importance and influence in the culinary world, this memory game teaches you a few terms from French cookery. Match the word and picture and find out what it means.

We are hiding

We are hiding. Try finding us all!

It’s really hot here and to save ourselves from our predators and the sun we are happily camouflaged in our surroundings. Try spotting us.

Photo: Istock|GettyImages

Spot that cat

A quick look at what you need to know about the project to bring cheetahs back to India.

The cheetah, the fastest land animal, is a large cat native to Africa and central Iran. Its coat is typically tawny to creamy white or pale buff with evenly spaced, solid black spots. There are two sub-species of cheetahs recognised today: the Asiatic (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus) and the African (Acinonyx jubatus jubatus). In 1952, the Indian government officially declared the Cheetah extinct in the country.

Multiple efforts
The idea of bringing the cheetah to India has long been on the cards. One of the reasons was that this would revive grassland forests and their biome and habitat. In 1955, the State Wildlife Board of Andhra Pradesh suggested the import of cheetahs on an experimental basis in two districts but in vain. In 2009, attempts were revived but the order was stayed by the Supreme Court. In 2020, the Supreme Court announced that African cheetahs could be introduced in a “carefully chosen location” on an experimental basis. On September 18, 2022, eight cheetahs (five females and three males) were released into Madya Pradesh’s Kuno National Park (KNP), which was chosen because it had a good prey base — chinkara, spotted deer, and blackbuck. Facilities for the big cats have been developed, the staff trained, and larger predators like leopards moved away. After a month in the quarantine enclosure, the eight cheetahs will be shifted to an acclimatisation enclosure within the National Park where they will stay for four months before being released into the wild. The project’s success depends on the survival of the animals in an environment that may seem similar to their African one but is not.

Why the reintroduction?
The major purpose of the project to be brought back after 70 years of its extinction is to develop healthy populations in India as the cheetah plays the role as a top predator. A grassland species; whose conservation also helps in preserving other grassland species in the predator food chain.

What’s in for us?
As and when the Project develops, it will help conserve biodiversity and enhance the ecosystem services like water security, carbon sequestration and soil moisture conservation,thus helping all of us at large.

Soulful sounds

Look beyond the sitar, tabla and veena to discover the fascinating music produced by these unusual Indian instruments…

Soulful sounds
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