Become a Flavourist

Flavourists know all about aromas and essences. They create flavour combinations in a laboratory-like setting.

A flavourist’s job involves combining ingredients and chemicals to create flavours that are used in food, drinks, nutritional supplements, medications, cosmetics, and other products. Scroll through this slider to know more.

Stick it out

Different projects call for different types of glue. Have a pick!

Most of our school projects or favourite art projects require some type of glueing – be it glitter on paper, buttons on cloth, plastic figures on cardboard… And all these types of projects require different types of glue based on the materials used and the purpose.

Play this memory game to learn about a few types of glue, and the projects they can be used for.

Number whizz

Are you at the top of your Math game? Then this quiz should be a cakewalk!

Check your Math quotient with this quiz. How many can you get right?

Get prepped

Prepositions tell you where something is or when something happened. Do you know the right one to use?

What is a preposition?

It is a word or a group of words that come before a noun, pronoun or noun phrase. It shows direction, time, place, location, and spatial relationships or introduces an object.

Here are some examples – It, At, On, Of, To and so on.

When referring to the direction we use to, in, onto, into.

Eg. We drove to the supermarket.

When using prepositions to refer to time we use in, at, on

Eg. He arrived at 9 a.m.

When referring to an extended time we use since, for, by, during, from, to, from-until, with, within.

Eg. She has classes from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

When referring to a place we use in, at, on, inside

Eg. Sheila was inside the house.

To refer to a location, we use in, at, on

Eg. You will find Mithun in the library

For spatial relationships we use above, across, against, ahead of and so on.

Now fill in the blanks with the right preposition.

There’s a baby in there!

If you thought human parents were overprotective of their wards, take a look at some feathered friends to see how they fare.

I once happened to witness a white-browed fantail flycatcher that kept fluffing out its feathers, hopping up and down and voicing her anger agitatedly, to an inquisitive cat 20 times her size, which resignedly turned tail and walked away. Then, along came a crow, hovering over the same bush. The little fantail shot out of its hiding place, pecked the crow, and drove him away. That is when I realised that the fantail was guarding her babies, in her nest, inside the bush. And zealously how.

Not just flycatchers, there are many other birds that I have come across, that go out on a limb to protect their young ones, and how! Take a look.

First off First Aid

The second Saturday of September is celebrated as World First Aid Day. Do you know what goes into a first aid kit?

First off First Aid
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Quiz Whizz September 9, 2022

How well do you know the world around you? Try your hand at this quiz and find out…

It’s question hour, folks! Can you answer these six questions correctly?

Globescan: September 9, 2022

Stay updated with global goings-on.

From earthquakes to steps towards reducing carbon emissions, and more, a lot has been happening in the world around you. Read on to learn more.

Steeped in history

This week get to know about India’s first International University that dates backs to nearly 8000 years

The ancient city of Nalanda city was, was home to the most ancient university as well. Founded by Buddhist monks in the 5th century AD during the reign of the Gupta dynasty, the name originated from a combination of 3 Sanskrit words: “Na”, “Alam” and “Daa”, which means no stopping of the gift of knowledge.

It remained the best centre for learning for over 800 years with around 10,000 students. In fact, 2,000 teachers came from all over the world such as Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, Persia, and Turkey.
Nalanda University was the first International University.

It was founded by the Buddhist monks with the basic purpose of creating a place fit for meditation. The highly formalised methods of Vedic learning

The great library of Nalanda University was called as Dharma Gunj, which means the Mountain of Truth. The library was said to house hundreds and thousands of volumes of books.

This place attracts a huge number of tourists every year. The best time to visit Nalanda is between October and March.