Quiz Whizz August 1, 2022

How well do you know the world around you? Try your hand at this quiz and find out…

It’s question hour, folks! Can you answer these six questions correctly?

Looking for peace

On August 6, Hiroshima holds the Peace Memorial Ceremony to pray for lasting world peace. Nagasaki Memorial Day is observed on August 9.

Nagasaki and Hiroshima remind us to put peace first every day; to work on conflict prevention and resolution, reconciliation, and dialogue; and to tackle the roots of conflict and violence.”– Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General.

On August 6 and 9, 1945, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were ravaged beyond measure by atomic bombs dropped on them. The damage and destruction was huge. Read on to find out what happened on those fateful days.

Quiz Whizz_July 30, 2022

This week’s quiz will test your current affairs. Are you ready for the challenge?

How much do you know about the world around you? Take this quiz to find out.

Terrific Tigers

Learn more about the largest and most common of the big cats…

Terrific Tigers
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Which vitamin are you?

A or B, C or D, E or K? Which vital vitamin does your personality resemble?

Vitamins are substances found in the food we eat. From Vitamin, A which is important for eyesight, to Vitamin K, which helps our blood clot, every vitamin has a vital role to play in helping our bodies function properly. Different foods contain different vitamins, so it is important that you eat a variety of food so that your body can get enough of everything.

Which vital vitamin does your personality most resemble? Find out with this for-fun-only personality quiz.


It’s been a hectic week and happenings around the world have been tumultuous, yet exciting.

What’s been happening around the world this week?

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that the zero-carbon city that Saudi Arabia plans to build at NEOM will vertically layer homes, offices, public parks and schools within a mirrored facade stretching over 170 km.

The two candidates vying to replace Boris Johnson as British Prime Minister are Former chancellor Rishi Sunak and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss. They held their first televised debate since the race to Number 10 narrowed down to two.

In Sri Lanka, hospitals have gone bankrupt, surgeries have stopped, and patients are not being treated.

Read on to know more.

Tryst with power

What are colonies? Who are colonisers? This article and game will give you some answers.

Who ruled who? Which country originally belonged to another? Our relatively recent history is full of conquests, colonisations and countries’ fights for independence.

Our country – as we know – was a British colony. A colony is a territory/ country under the rule of a foreign country and occupied by settlers from that country. Similarly, many countries around the world colonised territories – big and small – hoping to establish dominance and gain control of precious natural resources and wealth.

Countries like Britain, Denmark, Portugal and Spain were some of the biggest colonisers. Britain was especially powerful with control over 23% of the world’s population at the height of its expansion in 1913. By 1914, it controlled over 24% of Earth’s land area!

Though it is not common anymore for countries to openly take over control of other countries, the impact of these former colonisers can be seen in their colonies’ economy, culture, politics and infrastructure.

Memory Game

Below are 6 colonisers and one of their many colonies. Can you match them?

Warm and cheesy

It’s World Lasagna Day on July 29. Celebrate by making this delicious dish.

If you are in the mood for one of the cheesiest dishes, packed with yummy veggies, lasagna is the dish for you. It’s quite simple to make, and even more delicious to devour. Here’s how it’s done.

Can stones float?

Part #24: Hanuman hears about the curse on Nala and Nila, one that will have an impact in the future…

Nala and Hanuman are on their way to meet Nala’s brother, Nila. Nala shares stories from their childhood.

Hanuman: Nila sounds extremely skilled.

Nala: This is nothing! Do you want to see something even more amazing?

Hanuman: Of course!

Nala takes a stone and throws it into the water. Hanuman’s eyes widen in surprise, as the stone floats in the water instead of sinking!

Hanuman: How did you do that?

Nala: When my brother and I were toddlers, we lived close to the hermitage of sage Sutikshna who worshipped God in the form of a stone called “shaligram” (a special type of black stone collected from the riverbed of the river Gandaki in Nepal).

(Illustration: Sahil Upalekar)

Nala draws the stone, which looks like a spiral. Technically, the stones are fossils of ammonite shells of cephalopods that existed about 66 million years ago.

Nala: To us, the stone looked like a toy. So we picked it up and threw it in the water. The sage got angry and cursed us that any solid object we throw into the water will never sink.

Hanuman: That sounds more like a superpower than a curse.

They laugh.

Nala: Nila and I used to wonder if there was a scientific explanation behind the stone floating. So we experimented with various models.

Hanuman: That is not at all surprising, considering that you are the sons of Vishwakarma, the great architect. So did you manage to figure it out?

Nala: Yes. We managed to build a model that could float. It’s called a Hovercraft.

Hanuman: Can you show me how to build one too?

Nala: Sure! (Scroll down for instructions to build the hovercraft model.)

While Nala talks about his “curse”, Hanuman does not realise that it will play an important role in the future: in the building of the floating bridge that will lead Rama and his army to Lanka to defeat Ravana.

The writer is the founder and CEO of Vaayusastra Aerospace, an IIT-Madras incubated ed-tech startup that offers Air Science workshops for children between five and 14 years.


Make your own hovercraft

Hit the road

A crossword on all things travel.

Travelling is oodles of fun, is it not? From camping, trekking, hiking, to more, the options are aplenty. But, how much do you know about the world of travel? Try your hand at this crossword to find out.