Slice of life

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade and have a laugh! Just what these famous people did…

Some situations can turn funny with a bit of wit and mischief. These anecdotes from the lives of famous people — some true, some unverified — are guaranteed to make you laugh!

Keeping time

Music is the language of feeling; melody is audible feeling – feeling communicating itself.

Music makes you happy. It keeps your spirits up. It is the very essence of life. Can you try this short and simple music quiz and see how much you know about the nitty-gritty of song?

What a Joke!

So many words associated with jokes and laugh. See if you know them all!

Get ready to guess the words based on clues given.

Spectacular cascades

The world map is dotted with breathtaking waterfalls, some thunderous and powerful, others silvery and sparkling.

Scintillating cascades of water dot the world map. They are brilliant to look at and equally amazing to explore.

Here are some famous waterfalls from around the world. Can you match identical images in this memory game?

Click here to get your own activity sheet!


Brrrrr! Let’s explore the frozen world of glaciers and icebergs

Brrrrr! Let’s explore the frozen world of glaciers and icebergs. Scroll right for more.

Magical mementos

Add some magic to your Muggle lives with these widely popular artefacts from the Potterverse.

Magical mementos
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Strike a balance

Try this interactive task to get a hang of how to fill your plate so that it’s interesting as well as nutritious.

If you want to eat healthy and interesting food without getting bored, the idea is to balance your diet with a variety of items in the right proportion. To get an ideal plate, fill half with fruits and vegetables and split the other half between whole grains and healthy proteins. Remember to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits of all colours, to add healthy oils and to drink lots of water. Take a look at the plate below to help you understand this better.

Now that you have a fair idea of this concept, try completing the interactive tasks below.

Muggle challenge

Are you a Potterhead? See if you can answer these questions!

What is your Harry Potter quotient? See for yourself with this quiz!

Oh, the places you’ll go!

Click here to access the portkey to some of the enchanted spots that feature in the Harry Potter stories…

Harry Potter’s magical universe was made up of several places — both real and fantastical — that have become as famous as the characters themselves.

Take a look at a few such places in these slides.