Pottering around Potterverse

In the 25th year since the first Harry Potter book was published, here are 10 stunning facts!

It is 25 years since the iconic release of JK Rowling’s first book in the series. Here are 10 not-so-well-known facts about this magical world that will have you hooked.


This grid might look complicated but, in truth, it is simple. Can you find the words that are familiar to you?

When J. K. Rowling sat down to write the story of Harry Potter, she made up some new words. But she also used words and names of animals and things that appeared in mythology. Sometimes, she changed the words a bit. For example, the names of some spells, while at other times she used the word correctly. Now, take a look at this grid and with the help of the clues given can you find the words that did not come from the world of witches and wizards?

Enter the Harry Potter Universe

Time to check your Potterverse knowledge. Try your hand at this crossword.

It’s 25 years since the boy wizard entered our lives. Here’s a crossword to check how much you know about him and his world.

My Monthly Planner: July 2022

Discover interesting facts about your favourite characters from the world of Harry Potter and download a calendar to keep yourself organised.

Love the rains

It was a dark and stormy night, with constant pitter-patter on the rooftop… It’s time to welcome the rains

Singing in the rain and playing in the snow are two of everyone’s favourite experiences when they are young. Go through these slides and explore a bit more about how these phenomena occur!

Under the weather

A runny nose, a painful throat, annoying sneezing — oops, you might have caught the common cold.

The common cold is just like its name suggests — common. It is the most frequent infectious disease among humans. Studies show that adults catch a cold two to three times a year while children do so six to eight times a year. Its typical symptoms include coughing, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, and so on.

Did you know that there are more than 200 viruses that are known to cause the common cold? The rhinovirus causes around 50% of the colds in the world.

You catch a cold when you directly interact with someone who has it, or by touching a surface that contains their germs and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth. You can try and avoid catching it by following a few basic steps.

The below task contains a few ways in which you can prevent the common cold. Drag and drop the text to match the pictures.

Click on each step below to read more.

Did you know that there’s no cure for the common cold? In most cases, the cold runs its course and you get better without treatment within a week or 10 days. There are medicines that you could take to ease the symptoms, though.

Trash it right

Discarding waste in the right manner is important. Today, we will learn a little more.

>Preserving our environment is no more a choice, it is a necessity because all of us need a healthy environment. Waste (what we throw away or get rid of and that doesn’t get used) and how we choose to handle it affects the environment. Effective waste management is important as the waste we create has to be carefully controlled to be sure that it does not harm the environment and health. One way of protecting our environment can be by observing the three ‘R’s’ namely Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Let’s try this activity to find out the right way to dispose off waste. Drag and drop the waste items above into the correct bin.

What’s my name?

Some are heroic, others are wicked and yet others are just funny. But it is the whole lot of them that act together to bring the story alive. Do you know who these characters are? Try your hand at it and find out.

When you read a book you not only want to know the story but also want to get to know the characters in it. And, there is always one character you like to identify with in the book. It can be Supergirl, Moin, or even Winnie the Pooh…the connection is always there.

Now go through these flash cards and identify these characters from the clue given.

Quiz Whizz – June 17, 2022

Are you up-to-date with the happenings of the world? Check your knowledge with this quiz.

From movies and nature to politics and current affairs…test your general knowledge with this quiz.

Crack the code

Fun with numbers. Crack this puzzle

This vault is very safe. However, one number is all you need to crack it open. Try and observe a pattern. Once done, it’s easy peasy. Add, subtract, multiply or divide. Simplify the digits to find the missing number. In all the vaults, the sum totals to a single digit. Find the missing digit.