Symbol of friendship

America’s most famous gift from France is also one of its most enduring symbols.

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most enduring symbols of the U.S. Did you know that the statue was not made in the U.S. but came from somewhere else? Read on to find out more …


Here are a couple of vegetable-packed recipes that are sure to make you crave more!

June 17 is celebrated as Eat Your Veggies Day. Vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals and should form an important part of your meal. Here are two recipes that you can try for yourself.

Idlis in the oven

Easy-peasy cheesy

In hiding

There are 10 cats hidden in this picture. Try spotting them.

This puzzle is all about the things we love. Toys, colours, and cats. However, look closely to see how many of your furry feline friends you can find.

Click on the cat when you spot one.

Picture: Istock/Getty Images

Multilingual madness

Every language is unique. Find out some interesting aspects about some in this crossword.

Did you know that there are more than 7000 languages spoken today around the world?! Test your knowledge of the world’s linguistic diversity with this crossword.

Quiz Whizz_June 10, 2022

Get your grey cells buzzing with this rapid-fire round…

Six questions to get you thinking. On your marks, get set, go…


King of Clay

Spaniard Rafael Nadal just proved again why he is the greatest ever claycourt player with his latest win!

Rafael Nadal created history this month when he won his 14th French Open championship in keeping with his reputation of being the world’s best ever claycourt player. Nadal beat Casper Ruud in the final to win his 11th game in a row.

The years he has won the Championship are: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2022.

Nadal is also the oldest champion to win the French Open at the age of 36 years, two days.

Here’s a compilation of all his 14 clay court wins starting from 2005:

(Photo: REUTERS)

With this win, he has 22 Grand Slam titles under his belt – two more than Roger Federer and world number one Novak Djokovic.

Among his illustrious achievements are also two Olympic gold medals that he won for his country Spain, and five Davis Cup titles that he contributed to.

Here are some images of Nadal lifting the coveted trophies at various tournaments. Find the matching pair.

(Photos: AFP, AP, REUTERS)

Reptiles that ruled

Jurassic Park in India? Yes, dinosaur fossils have been found in our country too. Read on to find out where…

June 1 was World Dinosaur Day. And this is the perfect time to learn more about these giant creatures that roamed the earth millions of years ago. Dinosaurs were reptiles; the predecessors of today’s lizards, snakes, turtles and crocodiles.

The term ‘dinosaur’ – coined by scientist Richard Owen – is derived from a Greek word that means ‘terrible lizard’. The first complete skeleton of a dinosaur was unearthed in West Dorset, England, in 1878. These animals became extinct around 66 million years ago. Scientists believe that this was because of a catastrophic climate change caused either by vast volcanic eruptions or the impact of a large celestial object with the Earth.

In India, the first dinosaur skeleton was found near Jabalpur by an army officer in the British East India Company This was back in 1828. Since then many more have been found in various parts of the country. Take a look at some of them and figure out what they looked like by solving the shuffle puzzle.

Alwalkeria, a small omnivore, was from the Late Triassic period. The fossil was found in the Godavari Valley in Andhra Pradesh. Another one from Andhra Pradesh, this time from the Upper Dharamaram formation, is Pradhania, a genus of massospondylid sauropodomorph dinosaur.

Barapasaurus is a genus of basal sauropod dinosaur from Early Jurassic rocks in the lower Kota,Telangana. Barapasaurus means ‘big-legged lizard’.

Among the other fossils found in Telangana are Dandakosaurus, a genus of averostran theropod dinosaur; Jaklapallisaurus, a genus of unaysaurid sauropodomorph dinosaur; Kotasaurus (meaning ‘Kota Formation lizard’), a genus of sauropod dinosaur among others.

Rahiolisaurus is a genus of abelisaurid theropod dinosaur, which existed in India during the Late Cretaceous period. The fossils were recovered from the Lameta Formation in Gujarat.

Isisaurus – named after the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)– is a genus of titanosaurian dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous period. Its fossils were found near Warora, Chandrapur district, Maharastra.

Here are two other dinosaurs that have also been found in India. The Bruhathkayosaurus meaning ‘huge-bodied lizard’ was discovered around 1978 in the Tiruchirappalli district of Tamil Nadu. It is dated to the Maastrichtian stage of the Late Cretaceous period. Laevisuchus (meaning ‘light crocodile’) is a genus of theropod dinosaur also from the Late Cretaceous period. The name is a combination of the Latin word ‘laevis’ (means light) and the Greek name for the ancient Egyptian crocodile god, Soukhos. These fossils were found near Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh.

Meet the MUMMIES

Let’s take a look at seven famous mummies discovered in Egypt over the past 100 years.

Ancient Egyptians believed in many gods. According to their beliefs, when a person died, he or she passed into an afterlife, which would be similar to the one they had led. Therefore, they preserved the body and buried it along with all that the dead person possessed so that they could take it with them on their journey.

Friends or foes

The animals were all geared up to be trained in ways they could outwit humans. But, their instructor, Dasher did not see much promise in this new lot.

The animals at the Animal Instinct Summer Camp were being trained to get the better of humans, their natural enemies. But circumstances force them to reconsider their opinions. Check out this image slider to find out how this could have happened.