Oh! The places you can go

What’s life without a little bit of fun? What’s cinema without documentaries?

Within all of us lies the yearning to travel, to see new place to have unique experiences. Sadly, it may not be possible to travel all the time. Remember, we have school and homework and tests to deal with. So what can we do? The alternative is to watch some captivating documentaries that you take you on a journey into the unknown.

Take a look at the exciting destinations featured in these dialogue cards.

Tiny windows to the world

Can you guess the countries where these postage stamps were issued? Use the clues in the pictures and crack this task.

They’re small, colourful and conspicuous. They remain stuck to a corner of the envelope and yet travel from one place to another. In case you haven’t guessed yet, we’re talking about postage stamps!

When you post a letter, you buy a stamp and affix it to the corner of the envelope. This is a way of paying for the service. Countries around the world issue postage stamps. Here are six such stamps. Can you match them with their countries?

Time to eat!

Books and movies about food? Here are some to try this holiday season. Play this interactive game to find out more…

Holidays are incomplete without food. Here is an interactive game that involves food-related books and movies. How many of these do you know?

What’s happening?

Get updated with the news of today with this crossword.

Get to know the news around the world with this exciting crossword. It’s simple and it is fun.

Get set, get fit

A short visual MCQ to test your knowledge of fitness

Fitness is essential to a healthy life. There are multiple ways to keep fit. But, how much do you know about the world of fitness? Take this pictorial quiz to find out.

When Nature beckons

Bring the outdoors right into the comfort of your home with these selections. Play this word search to find the names.

Set in green spaces, these outdoorsy books and movies will make you fall in love with nature all over again. Play this word search and see how many you can find.

Dig deep

What are the different layers of Earth? How they are stacked? Play this game to find out.

Do you know why a soda bottle fizzes and pops when you open it? Because it has a lot of pressure inside it. And so does the Earth!

When our planet was first formed, it was a huge ball of hot thick liquid (like the lava) that slowly cooled down over millions of years forming several layers. But the centre of it still remains molten – liquid, but more like playdough – because of the nuclear reactions that continue to take place.

Scientists have been able to study the different layers by studying the other planets, pieces of meteorites that have fallen on Earth, and by drilling holes deep into the ground. Natural phenomena like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are a result of the pressure inside Earth and the interaction between the different layers.

Below is a representation of the different layers of Earth and how they are stacked. Can you guess the names of the each layer and drag and drop into the correct boxes?

All you need is love…

Here’s a list of books that can make you realise the value of family and friends.

For many, summertime means visits to and from family, especially grandparents, and favourite aunts, uncles and cousins. Or a visit back to our hometown. It is also a time we get to spend with our friends without worrying about homework and assignments. Endless chats, an agenda to do nothing but while away the time, and solving make-believe mysteries.

Here are a few books that capture the beauty of making and building both new and existing relationships…

The quilt maker

Navya’s holiday assignment of exploring a hobby during summer vacation turned into something unexpected.

It’s Navya’s summer holidays. While first surrounded by thoughts of lazing around the whole time, a chance walk into her mom’s newly-opened boutique opens up a whole new world of opportunities.

Check out the slider to know how her holidays transformed into an exciting opportunity.

Sand in your toes

Want to cool off this summer? Checkout this collection of beaches from India

Sand  in your toes
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