Become an Illustrator

An illustrator can illustrate books, articles for magazines and journals or be a cartoonist. What’s your pick?

An illustrator creates two-dimensional images to accompany a text or explain a concept. If you like painting images and telling stories through images, then this is a career for you. To know more, use this slider.

Word theft

Not just things, even ideas and words can be stolen. It is called plagiarism. Learn more about it.

Word theft
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My Monthly Planner: May 2022

Discover interesting facts about your favourite characters from the world of Harry Potter and download a calendar to keep yourself organised.

Take refuge in reading

April 23 is World Book and Copyright Day. Each year, book lovers from across the world recognise books as a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and across cultures.

Take refuge in reading
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Know your ouchies!

Did you get a cut, a bruise, an abrasion or a laceration? Get in here to know more about wounds.

Wounds are a part of growing up. We fall while trying to ride a bicycle for the first time; trip while playing ball at the park; get a burn while trying to light a birthday candle; paper cuts…

Medically speaking, a wound is any type of damage that occurs on the surface of the skin. While most wounds are caused due to accidents, some are caused due to preexisting skin conditions.

‘Wound’ is a general term that encompasses all types of damages. While in fact, there are several types, classified based on cause (intentional or unintentional), depth (superficial, partial thickness or full thickness), complexity and so on.

Take a look at a few types of wounds below and find them in the grid:

Quiz Whizz – April 22, 2022

Love your books and know them well? Test your knowledge of the world of fiction with this quiz.

How well-versed are you with the world of books and the characters that reside in them? Check out your knowledge with this quiz.

Ageless reads

Time to celebrate these long-lasting books, which have made readers laugh, cry and think.

The death anniversaries of William Shakespeare and Miguel Cervantes are commemorated as World Book and Copyright Day on April 23. And, of course, the Harry Potter series turns 25 this year. But check out these equally important book-related anniversaries.

Sing…Sing a song

A musician is a person who composes, conducts, or performs music. Musicians may perform on their own or as part of a group, band or orchestra.

Who is a musician? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is “someone who is skilled in playing music, usually as a job.” Here is a list of 10 famous musicians from around the world. Read the clues and state your answer.

What kind of reader are you?

It takes all kinds to make the world…Here are some from the world of books.

Can’t put down a book until it’s done? Or do you read several books simultaneously? Are you all about binge-reading series, or do you read just about anything? What does your reading style say about your personality? Well, take this quiz to find out more!

The write stuff

A peek into the world of writing through a crossword.

How much do you know about the literary world? Well, try your hand at this crossword to find out.