The best baddies

Guess these famous antagonists from your favourite book. Here’s to the Villains!

If protagonists are the hereoes we worship, we must not forget the antagonists who play an equally important role to make sure we despise them equally. Today, let’s play this game to see how many you know?

Sudoku – April 13, 2022

Number games, anyone? Try your hand at this Sudoku.

The objective of the game is to fill the missing digits into the grid, using digits 1 to 6. In each column, row and block, you can use a digit only once. Drag and drop the numbers (1-6), given beside the grid, in their right places.


1. Each row will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

2. Each column will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

3. Each coloured block will, upon completion, contain all of the digits from 1 to 6.

Beat the heat

Some super cool recipes to help you cope with the summer heat.

As we welcome summers, let us refresh and replenish our body with some of the best summer beverages in order to beat the heat.

Here’s one more for you.

Cycle away

Cycling has many benefits. Try this shuffle puzzle and learn more.

Cycling is a type of aerobic activity that can benefit a person’s health and fitness. It is a useful exercise that many people can incorporate into their daily lives as a mode of transport, casual activity, or competitive sport. As it is relatively easy to start and suitable for most fitness levels, it is a popular physical activity. Try your hand at solving this puzzle to learn more.

Daunting dinos

Discovering new dinosaur species requires a keen eye. Here’s a challenge to build that skill.

Dinos roamed the Earth many million years ago. We still don’t know many facts about them and new species are being discovered every few years.

To discover one, you need expert knowledge and a keen eye. Let’s start training on the latter. Use your keen eye to discover the 6 differences between these two pictures.

Preserving the past

Do you know who is responsible for the conservation and protection of the country’s monuments? Watch this video and learn.

Preserving the past
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Feats by feet

Did you know that different creatures use their feet for other feats apart from walking? Click here to find out more.

‘What are feet for?’ ‘For walking, running and dancing of course!’ pat comes the reply. But you will be amazed by the various other feats performed by different critters with their feet, besides walking.

Male crickets chirp by rubbing their wings together to woo their female partners. How do these females hear their love songs? With ears on their first pair of legs!

Raptors or birds of prey like eagles, hawks and falcons use their feet as tools for hunting. With three toes pointing forwards and one behind, they are able to not only grip their prey but even kill it while on the wing.

The secretive clouded leopards that spend much in tree canopies can turn their ankles a full 180° to help break their descent while climbing down trees, head first.

Can you guess these other animals that use their feet in unique ways using these clues?

When things heat up

Sampati finally explains how his wings got burnt.

The story so far: Hanuman, Sampati and Jatayu listen to Nala’s lecture on magnetism.

Hanuman: Now, back to Sampati. What happened to your wings.? How did they burn?
Sampati: Has Nala ever spoken to you about the death of Kalpana Chawla, the Indian astronaut?
Hanuman: Yes, but not in detail. He just told me that, in the future, a space shuttle named Columbia would disintegrate with seven astronauts on-board, one of whom was Kalpana Chawla.
Sampati: Correct.
Hanuman: Wasn’t it due to a structural failure? What exactly happened?
Sampati: You are right but do you know what got damaged?
Hanuman: No.
Sampati: The heat shield. Just rub your hands fast.
Hanuman does so.
Sampati: As fast as you can. Faster.
Hanuman rubs at high speed and soon stops.
Hanuman: It’s too hot…
Sampati: In modern science, this is called friction. When molecules interact with each other, they produce heat energy. When the interaction is at a great speed, the temperature can even go upto 3,000° F. There is additional compression of air, pressure builds up, which adds more heat as well.
Hanuman: Oh, so the heat shield got damaged in the space shuttle?
Sampati: The Columbia shuttle had a shield, which got damaged. A body like mine or any other birds’ is much lighter and non-heat resistant. If I hadn’t made my wings the heat shield for Jatayu, who was falling at a high speed, I would have lost him. I’d rather lose my wings than my brother.
A tearful Jatayu hugs Sampati.
Hanuman: Wings turned into re-entry heat shield! Will I ever find someone to love me so much?
Nala: You will, Hanuman.
Hanuman: Who is that,?
Nala: Wait for the future to unfold, Hanuman.

The author is the founder and CEO of Vaayusastra Aerospace, an IIT-Madras incubated ed-tech startup that offers Air Science workshops for children between five and 14 years.

Based on what you’ve read, try your hand at these shuffle puzzles and see if you can put the pictures in order.

Life is a song

When we talk of a musical genre, we are referring to a conventional category that identifies the music as belonging to a shared tradition or a set of conventions. Can you identify the different types in this grid?

Music is an integral part of the human psyche. There are many different kinds of music; hence, they have been classified as rap or blues or techno and Carnatic.

It was only in the second half of the 20th century that pop culture led to a proliferation of musical genres. Today, every genre of music has sub-genres that are so extensive that there is an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to the many different types.

Plato says, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything.”

All in the family

Family time? Solve these clues based on this concept and fill your answers in the grid.

Summer holidays mean family time. Who are all the members of your family? Check out this crossword for more.