Time for theatre

Try your hand at this Sudoku with letters!

A PLAYHOUSE is a common term for a theatre.

In short, it is a place where theatrical works or plays are put up, or other performances like musical concerts, produced. There were two types of playhouses – outdoor and indoor. The former was also known as amphitheatre or public playhouse, while the latter wash more commonly known as halls or ‘private’ playhouses.

They were, more often than not, built by businessmen who cited opportunities that arose from popular touring actors who put up plays in open spaces around the city. As they had money to spare, while the acting companies did not, businessmen would lease some land, build a playhouse, and then lease it to acting companies for a specific period and amount of money.

Now that you have an idea of what it is, how about using this word and trying your hand at a fun puzzle? The word is PLAYHOUSE. The rules are the same as that of Sudoku.

Stars in the Theatre

Surgery is serious business and it can be a frightening experience to be wheeled into a sterile environment and find everyone in there practically in disguise. So, here’s a quick round-up of the professionals likely to be in the operating theatre.

When you are undergoing surgery, besides the surgeon, there is a special team of medical staff in the operating theatre. Who is on the team depends on the type of surgery. However, most teams include the following professionals.

Can you identify the people from the description given in the clue?

Complete the word

Are you ready for a game of snakes and ladders, but with a twist? Get started and solve the puzzle correctly.

Ready for snakes and ladders? A different kind of game, of course! Your task is to find all the six-letter words in the puzzle. Connect the letter pairs in the ladder on the left with the correct pairs in the ladder on the right, with middle letters “AN“. We have solved one to start you off: ORANGE.

Become an Interpreter

To become a good interpreter, you will need strong verbal communication and listening skills, and cultural sensitivity. Read on …

To become an interpreter you will need to be fluent in at least two languages. Learn all about it from this image slider.

Our splendid Solar System

Let’s explore our fascinating Solar System! Try out this interactive widget, with facts, videos and more…

Did you know that the hottest planet in the solar system is not Mercury, which is closest to the Sun, but Venus? Venus has a very thick atmosphere that traps heat from the Sun. Temperatures in Venus, which are at an average of 462 degrees Celsius, are enough to melt lead! Mind-blowing, isn’t it? Discover more such fascinating facts about our solar system.

Scroll right to read more, and don’t forget to complete the tasks!

Inventor, entrepreneur, humanitarian

Find out more about the man who invented dynamite and also established the Nobel Prizes

Alfred Nobel, who invented of some of the most powerful destructive explosives, bequeathed his fortune to award “those who have conferred the greatest benefit to Mankind.” Read on to know more about the founder of the Nobel Prizes.

Pic credit: Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay

Of law and justice

A lawyer or parliamentarian in the making? Then solve these clues and fill the answers in the grid.

Many of our laws and rules are made in the Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies. Members of these bodies are elected by the people. This crossword is about terms associated with elections and the legal processes. How many can you find?

Balance the sides

Here are a few number puzzles to exercise your grey cells.

A linear equation is an equation for a straight line. There are many ways of writing linear equations, but they usually have constants (like “2” or “c”) and must have simple variables (like “x” or “y”). Now that you know this, why not try solving a few puzzles?