What do you think these elves are up to? What are they brewing? While you ponder on these questions, find the six differences between these two images.
What’s brewing?
Looking for a quick challenge? Here’s one for you.
Looking for a quick challenge? Here’s one for you.
What do you think these elves are up to? What are they brewing? While you ponder on these questions, find the six differences between these two images.
A crossword about languages….
There are innumerable languages in the world, some, with multiple dialects. Some are on the verge of extinction, and some are fake… how much do you know about languages in the world? Try your hand at this crossword to find out.
Click on the hotspots to know where these spellbinding places are in the country.
Set up by the British, who wanted to get a respite from the heat, India’s hill stations are famous for their tranquillity and landscapes. Click on these hotspots to know more.
Explore history through the ruins and monuments that tell the story of the kingdoms and civilisations that built them…
When you travel to some places, you also travel back in time. The cities that have traces of civilisations and kingdoms that once flourished 100s or even 1000s of years ago are perfect holiday spots for history buffs. These fragments of ancient history reveal to us the life and times of people that lived long ago.
Take a trip back into history, with these spots:
If call yourself a cricket fan, then you should be able to win this challenge!
Between the years 2019 and 2023, the Indian cricket team is set to play 158 international matches – 37 Test matches, 67 ODIs and 54 Twenty20 matches!
And this is just one team. Image the number from other cricket-playing nations! And now think about all the matches played over the years since the game began to be played officially.
That many games mean numerous opportunities to set and break records. Here are a few existing World Records in cricket. Can you guess if they are true or false?
Have you ever laid down on the ground, looked up at the sky, and observed the shapes of the clouds? Let’s find out about the different types of clouds
Have you ever laid down on the ground, looked up at the sky and observed the shapes of the clouds? Or gazed at them while whizzing past on an airplane? Clouds are fascinating, indeed! Watch this video about types of clouds and try your hand at the memory game below!
Match identical clouds in this memory game!
Great going!
Photos: Morning Glory (Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 4.0 | Avistaje de fenómeno Morning Glory desde el avión | Jochos89), Noctilucent Clouds (By Kristian Pikner – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https:// commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php? curid=53662268)
The clue tells you which musical genre it is about. Do you know the answer?
All of us love music but the kind we listen to may be different. There are as many genres in music as there are in literature. This activity is about a few musical genres. You have to guess which genre we’re talking about after reading the clue. Play on…
I never knew that a simple game of hide ‘n’ seek could take me into a world I would otherwise have never visited.
The summer months are ideal to step out of the comforts of your home and play some classic games like hide ‘n seek, blind man’s buff or kick the can. Read this story and find out why.
Discover what makes each number from 0 to 9 interesting and unique. Watch this video now.
Bar Diagrams, Histograms, Frequency…Numbers can be used in many ways. Charts help us understanding them better,