Little BIG man

Fondly known as nanhe or little one, Lal Bahadur Shastri was a towering personality who was instrumental in scripting several historic moments in Indian history

Little BIG man
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Ticket to space

Can you imagine packing your bags and heading off for a trip to space? Find out all about the world of space tourism with this video.

Ticket to space
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Man and superman

John Lennon and Albert Einstein are only two of the many famous personalities who were inspired by Gandhiji. Here are some more…

Mahatma Gandhi’s life and philosophy influenced people across time and space. What was his philosophy?

His thinking was traditional, yet modern; simple yet complex. It included several western influences to which he was exposed to and yet, it was rooted in Indian culture.

In a nutshell, he stood for truth, non-violence, satyagraha, Sarvodaya and swaraj.

Let’s hit the gym

A simple list of commonly used exercise equipment that will help you achieve your fitness goal.

When you first step into a gym, you might be a bit confused when you see the different equipment. Learning their names and how they can be used is a task in itself.

So, before you begin your journey into fitness, here are some machines that are commonly used. Play this memory game and find out the names of the machine and how they can be used.

A global icon

Gandhiji is celebrated not just in India, also across the world. Here are a few memorials dedicated to the Father of our Nation in other countries.

This universal leader made an impact across the globe. Take a pictorial tour with us on his birth anniversary.

Ideal reminder

Pay a tribute to the Mahatma with a simple card. Click here to make one of your own

Discover the icon

A challenge to test all you know about Mahatma Gandhi. Click here to play…

How much do you know about the Mahatma and his ideals? Solve this crossword to find out.

Quiz whizz – September 29, 2021

Get your thinking caps on and ace this set of questions.

October 2 is the birth anniversary of both Gandhiji and Lal Bahadur Shastri, India’s second Prime Minister. Here is a quiz based on their lives. How many answers do you know?

Compelling spellings

How many C’s and how many U’s, how many R’s and how many F’s? Try this spelling quiz and find out for yourself.

Spelling ninja, is that you? Find out how well you can spell with this interactive quiz.

It’s goal time!

Do you know the terms associated with hockey, India’s national sport? Learn a few with this interactive game.

With the national men’s and women’s teams putting up a great show at the recent Tokyo Olympics, India’s national sport has seen a revival of interest. Wondering what we’re talking about? It’s hockey.

Hockey has a set of specific terms associated with the game. Below are some of the most commonly used terms. The letters are scrambled. Use the clues to unscramble and find out what the word is.