Memories of the Mahatma

While you remember and celebrate the Father of the Nation, discover these little anecdotes from his life.

Beyond the grand persona that the world knows are several little experiences that made Gandhiji who he was. Read about a few of them below.

(Illustrations: Satheesh Vellinezhi)

Ride with me

Get started with a royal ride. Add some of your favourite colours to comeplete this piture.

About a Dahlicious life

September 13 was Roald Dahl’s 95th birth anniversary. Find out more about the author from this video.

About a Dahlicious life
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Get some mental exercise

Here are some maths-related puzzles for a brain workout. How many can you get right?

Solving puzzles is a complete brain exercise as it exercises both the right and left sides. Gear up this weekend as you wear your thinking cap on!

Stay symbolic
Can you make this equation correct using three of these four symbols? + – x ÷

On Strike
Which pins must be knocked over to score exactly 100 points?

Go figure
Enter numbers in each row and column to arrive at the end total. Remember only numbers 1 through 9 can be used, and that too only once.

Right on track

All Aboard? Hop on for a quick ride to know about the various types of trains that have been created with the changes in technology.

Whether it is to travel within a city, or from one state to another, or even across borders, trains are a popular mode of transportation. Trains can be sorted into several distinct categories, separated by the way their locomotives (the engines) are powered, their use, and the design of their tracks. Here’s a look at some of the different types of trains that can be found across the world:

Cuddly critters

Australia celebrates one of its famous marsupials on September 24 to raise awareness about its protection.

Koala bears are known for looking cuddly and cute. But did you know that they are not really bears but marsupials like kangaroos, wombats, and wallabies?

Koalas are picky but BIG eaters – they can eat up to one-kilo eucalyptus leaves in a day! And they make sure to choose only the most nutritious and tastiest leaves from the trees.

Found in the eucalyptus forests of eastern Australia, these mammals’ survival is threatened because of loss of habitat and food source – the eucalyptus trees.

Keeping this in mind, Australia observes the month of September as Save the Koala Month and September 24 as Save the Koala Day.

A Koala seen at the Moonlit Sanctuary near Melbourne, Australia. Photo: Robert Blackburn/Visit Victoria

Can you spot the 5 differences between the two pictures? (Click on the differences in the image below)

Which colour are you?

Different colours mean different things. Which colour reflects your personality most?

Different colours symbolise different things. For instance, blue is perceived to be conservative while red signifies power and aggression. Brighter colors like orange represent warmth not only in terms of emotions but also temperature. So, what colour are you? Take this personality quiz to find out.

Finding fitness

Can you spot all 10 fun exercises in the grid? Get started with this interactive task now.

Staying fit need not always involve complicated and serious workouts. Sometimes you can draw benefits from easy-to-do, fun exercises that you can even try out at home. There are 10 such examples hidden in the grid below. Can you spot all of them?

Quiz Whizz – September 22, 2021

How tuned in are you to the world around? Find out with this quiz.

It’s Quiz Time, folks. Here are a set of questions to get your grey cells buzzing. How many do you know the answers to?