Come rain or shine

Did you know that the umbrella was first used to protect from the sun? Read on…

The day one decides not to carry an umbrella is when you can be sure of getting caught in heavy rains! While we associate umbrellas with rains, the word actually comes from the Latin ‘umbra’, which means shadow. This is no coincidence, as the umbrella actually originated as a way of providing shade from the sun! Here’s a little potted history of the umbrella.

Pic Credit: Wikimedia Commons and Pixabay

Tech trek

Solve this crossword to know more about technology.

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Chatbots…. how clued-in are you about the world of technology? Solve this crossword to find out….

Globescan November 2021

There’s a lot going on in the world and we bring you a few snapshots…

What’s been going on in the world around you? Find out with this news round up!

Fitness first

How clued-in are you about the world of fitness? Try your hand at this word search to find out.

Fitness is an integral part of our life. Exercise is a must to stay healthy. How much do you know about several aspects of fitness? Well, here’s a word search that will help you find out.

Fiery mix-up

The dragons are in trouble! Quick! Can you help them?

These magical dragons have misplaced their shadows. Can you match each dragon to its shadow?

Know your digital rights

As a child, your rights extend to the real and the digital world too. Do you know what they are? Click here to find out.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international human rights treaty that spells out the rights of children. It covers civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights.

On March 24, 2021, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child officially launched their new General Comment No. 25 on Children’s rights in relation to the digital environment. This means, the treaty also included and recognised the rights of children in the digital sphere as well.

Here is what it covers:

Keep a copy of this sheet handy to remind you of your rights. Click here to download your own copy.

Legends of the Fall

Waterfalls have always been a fascinating sight. Let’s explore some of these

Amazing cascades of water dot the world map. They are brilliant to look at and equally amazing to explore.

Can you figure out some famous waterfalls from around the world based on the information given?

That was quite impressive wasn’t it? Flow on to the next article!

Captain capable

Freedom fighter, leader, statesman, thinker, author, visionary – Jawaharlal Nehru donned many hats with ease.

Captain capable
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